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kihonkai's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Hi everyone! Thanks for the replies sorry i havent been on the site for months! I have been busy with my karate and promoting my band too I successfully graded last weekend, i am now a green belt! woohoo very proud! theoretically i could be a purple belt by the end of the year so im quite happy, im getting more and more confident as time goes on. i am still pretty crap at basics and cant do a mae geri to save my life (well thats debatable, if i ever need to use karate to save my life im sure id give it a pretty good try! - i dont even know how to spell mae geri ) i quite enjoyed my grading, i had to do one attack with a 2nd dan black belt and i put 100% effort into punching him in the face, almost got him as well hope everyone is well Stephen ps: hope you dont mind the shameless plug: https://www.myspace.com/genoamusic
  2. thanks for the advice guys/girls dnt worry. like i isad i woodnt try to take over the class. my sensei is very approachable and i know he woodnt mind if i suggested one or two ideas to get the kids to progress in their karate. thanks for the advice kihonkai
  3. Yeah, i hear what ur saying Kreza But i wouldn't dream of jumping in and telling the kids what to do myself, i would suggest it to my sensei and let him do it.
  4. Hi All, I am looking for some advice. I am a Shotokan student and i often have to learn in a class full of kids becasue i am still a beginner. I have a question for you all: Do you know of any good way to get the kids to make a proper fist? Because i am always watching the kids and getting very frustrated at their lack of effort when punching. is there anythign we can do to make them punch with a tightly closed fist instead of punching with a loosley, half closed fist? Also, i see the kids frequently putting the shoulders right into a punch even though tehy are repeatedly told the correct way topunch is with shoulders square. Have you lot had similar problems with students in your class doing this? How can we stop them doing this? Thanks Kihonkai
  5. Hi Shotokan beginner i am also farily new at shotokan and i love training. i had a lot of bother with my left knee when i started. it was agony for the first few months of my training and i thought i had a permenent injury but it got stronger and i now have no problem with it at all so id say hang in there and keep training regularly. good luck fellow shotokan karateka steve
  6. Hi Brady. Good question. one of the reasons i started karate was that i wanted to get fit. i did judo for a lil while when i was young but i didnt like getting thrown around, i didnt learn anything. so iwas thinking i want a new hobby and i wanna get fit i wannt do something new, iwant a new challenge...a few days later i got a leaflet through the door about a karate club in the area! i thought hmm this must be a sign so i started and ive loved it ever since i have had a few moments where i hated it and wanted to quit but that wooda been easy. the only reason i wanted to quit was coz i was struggling and not trying hard enough. so i got my head down and got stuck in and im glad i did i started in october 2004. i am currently a yellow belt steve
  7. Thanks for the welcome everyone! Blackwatch: i am in the south lanarkshire area. i am currently a member in a dojo in lanarkshire, have been since 2004 (see my signiture) are you from scotland? do you know any good dojos/instructors? id be interested to know who you know. id like to hear your opinions of scottish karate instructors.
  8. Hi Guys, Thanks for your welcome to the forum. i am sure it will prove very informative to me.
  9. Hi Killer Miller. That sounds like a good idea with the ping pong balls thanks! I do Shotokan Karate. JKA in Scotland
  10. Hi everyone! Im new here. Looking for Karate students in Scotland. are there any?
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