In respones to Yoda's question where do I train. I train in Newberg, Oregon at Hang Time Fitness Center. There are only 8 other kids in the class with me but I'm the oldest. Try and make new memories instead of reliving old ones.
Has any one ever wondered what Bruce Lee really sounded like instead of WHAAA!OOOOO! in that high pitched voice. Maybe it was AYA in a realy low voice. Try and make new memories instead of reliving old ones.
Hate to be picky but Jet Li (My FAV) majors in Wushu. Jackie Chan is Peking, and Bruce Lee never learned karate, he made up his own martial art, Jeet Kune Do (Way of the Intercepting Fist).
I'm new and I would be happy to answer any questions you have for me. I'm 13 and I learn Muay Thai Kickboxing, Jun Fan(JKD), and Phillipino Kai. I'm happy to join.