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Everything posted by Arts_not_Brutality

  1. What art would one look under to find schools which teach 'chucks? Just wonderin
  2. Note: if this has all ready been addressed, I'd appreciate if you'd just point me to the right place. Through ought wrestling, I've always had a hard time going all out in matches. I practices my arse off, but just couldn't manage to go full speed, especially when I realized how well the move was going to work. As I start in ma, I don't want to carry over this aggrivating habbit. ANY suggestons would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Kicker, what are the requirments for your advancement for each belt?
  4. There is a part of Tai chi called pushing hands, if I'm not mistaken, which I believe is more combat oriented. Does anyone know more about this?
  5. Hey guys, thnx for all of the info! I hope it'll help
  6. Sorry, couldn't resist bustin up all the good insults. lol
  7. maybe taking down ppl is easier in judo, but ppl who can get 15 points ahead of their adversaru are awarded with the win in wrestling. It's assumed after 15 points, there's a major advantage in either speed or skill, that the other can't overcome-he's usually better than his opponent
  8. Thinking about college I remember hearing that my friend has earned an apprenticeship with an electricians company. This makes me think, are there such things as apprenticeships in martial arts? What would it take to get one, and where would they be? Is this just to great sounding to be true? Just a thought
  9. I agree, in wrestling, distance is everything-you can't shott when your too far away. sprawling, chaneing direction of your circling, and just moving a step farther back is all it takes to send some attacks to pot.
  10. can anyone tell me what the pros and cons are to both escrima, and kobudo, and why soemone might choose one over the other? Also, which weapons are used in each system?
  11. As previously stated, I'm new to all of this. Can anyone tell me where I could look to find out where and when events like kata competitions are held? Thnx
  12. So, then what is the focus of modern day ninjitsu?
  13. I hate Falling! lol. But, if you can bring the person down all right, it's affective, and no one get's killed Very good stuff!
  14. Striking_Cobra, You're right on with the 'dead from the neck up' Besides those curtain ppl who for some reason are unaffected, pressure points are awesome! I've taken classes with my police explorer post, and used them in grappling. They work!
  15. Hey! I'm a senior in high school interested in getting into MA. I've wrestled for three years, and that was enough to let me know that I'm looking into MA for physical and mental benefits, not to have the goal of being able to beat ppl up. This site is awesome, and I hope to talk with you all soon.
  16. Yoda, I see your addresses on your url's are for uk. I'm from the midwest USA, and searching for something very-much like what you are teaching. Are there any specific arts I could look for? Thnx
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