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Everything posted by NthDegree

  1. I agree cleung, speed and kime are important as well.
  2. power in strikes comes from technique more than muscle. IMO. but I still have the habit of relying too much on upper body strength as oppossed to proper rooting/sinking and gamaku/koshi. .... working on it.
  3. My name is Ed I'm 39 started MA in 1974. No rank. GojuRyu (M. Higaonna-ha) ShitoRyu (S. Kimura-ha Shukokai) ShorinRyu (A. Ueshiro-ha MatsubayashiRyu) been doing matsubayashi for about a year now. I practice/maintain/experiment/study the other styles on my own. came on here to see what you guys are up to. also, if anyone is in the Noho area of West Mass. pass me a note! take care, and remember to always were a helmet. lol -Ed
  4. I 100% agree with Mr. Green. hope this doesn't change the focus of the intended topic... I've actually known of a true instance where the hanshi of a homebrewed-ryu (you know, one of those certificate-sokes) threatened a senior student (san-dan) of banning them from the org if they didn't stop posting to a particular forum. and no, I wasn't the student or the hanshi. That was the most radical instance I've ever heard in reguards to the gist of the topic. -(btw, nice to meet everyone. my name is Ed. )
  5. since you didn't mention which ryuha, I'll assume you mean any Shorin kata. These are pretty good ones (Matsubayashi-Ryu): http://www.matsubayashi-ryu.net/indexen.html
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