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Everything posted by Kamauser5

  1. All I can really say is just have fun with whatever you do. Don't focus soly on wining because if you don't then it makes for a bad ride home. No matter what happens just make sure you ahve some fun while you are there!
  2. You are always going to see unfair judging no matter where you compete or what you compete in. I have been competeing for almost six years now and i have had soem good and bad judging expiriences. the main one that sticks in my mind is last year. I have diabetes and because of this i wear something called an Insulin Pump. It kinda looks like a beeper or cell phone and I just attack it to the back of my blet while in class or competing. My dad had been noticing that my scores were too low. A friend of mine would place higher than me even after he fell in the middle of the form. Finally the Head Judge asked if I was wearing a beeber and i explained to him that it was an Insulin Pump and that i had to wear it. He and the other judges took my dad aside and explained that if they hadn't known it was an Insulin Pump then they woud have took points off of my score. It seems that had been going on for four years! I now tell the head judge before i compete that i wear and Inslin Pump and have seen improvement in my scoring and ranking. The thing that has always bugged me about that is that in four years not one judge mentioned it to me. Kinda makes you wonder how i would have placed if someone had spoken up huh?
  3. I personally didn't go but my dad and some of my Karate team did. They said it was good..some bloodshed and a few knockouts...it was taped and i think they will show it on ESPN2 sometime soon...hope so anyway
  4. i think the rule of thumb is to ask the sensei/GrandMaster if you are unsure about something...it always works for us!
  5. Anyone know anything about the Jr divisions? I have a friend who might be competeing in it and want to know a bit more than i do.
  6. At my studio we have like 15 people on our Leadership team and all of us teach classes. There have been times where we have more teachers than students in class. I know that we are all basically on the same page with our techniques and what we are doing. Personally if i see a student doing something and i correct them, i ask first waht any of the other Leadership members have told them then say what i think, i then go and ask the other leadership member and see why they said it that way. Worst comes to worst we ask our GrandMaster. It all works out in the end.
  7. Noi haven't...but i will..thanks!
  8. I have been using the Kama in Tournaments for the past five years and have been doing prety good with it, one National championship and a lot of top ten placings. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to place better with it. I do an open for in a blackbelt division. I know the form needs to become a bit more open than it currently is but am not sure how to do that. My Grand Master is not foucused on Tournaments and only my family and one to two others compete on a regular basis. I am open to any sugestions that you might have and look forward to see what you have to say. Thanks!
  9. It is a continuous fighing match between teams. It will be at Mohegan Sun i think on Jan. 21st 2006. There are four adult teams and i think four jr divisions as well. The jrs are supossed to be countuous point fightng buti am not sure how that is going to work out.
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