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Personal Information

  • Interests
    M/A, Gamefishing, Performance cars

Patriot's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hope yr Dad has a good time We enjoy all forms of fishing though we usually persue Gamefishing and Saltwater sportfishing. Have always been intrigued by "Halibut" Would luv to catch one of those beasties We only have a miniature version down here in NZ. Gamefishing here is brilliant for those that way inclined. One memorable trip saw me hooked up to a "Broadbill Swordfish" for 51/2 hrs only to have it bust off as the leader appeared Anyhow the rest of the trip was still eventful with our grp tagging 8 "Striped Marlin" and 2 "Mako" Grant
  2. Going along with the call for new subjects who has some good "fishy tales" to share. Tell us about those memorable monsters that got away/were landed Grant.
  3. Has 2 meanings. First is obvious. Always keen on a bit of Patriotism. Secondly. We have a vehicle that is named "Patriot" after the "Patriot missile" Goes nicely with the defense side of MAs [ This Message was edited by: Patriot on 2002-05-17 02:31 ]
  4. Hey nice pics. Pete...very nice like the detailing in the engine bay. Car looks great.. Yoda....oh dear...how cruel BTW mmmm i like your next choice [ This Message was edited by: Patriot on 2002-05-17 23:51 ]
  5. Hehehe if the training doesnt give you an adrenaline rush the ride home certainly will cant lose either way Grant.
  6. Suuuuweeeet, guarranteed to get the blood pumping.
  7. Well i guess i would have to be an earlier model sports car of some discription. They made them a little heavier and with more character in those days. Can take a reasonable hit and not fold up like the late model jobs. Slightly modified with a little more under the hood than standard. The springs may be worn, the suspension a little saggy but can still turn on a burst of speed when the need arises with reasonable handling. Grant.
  8. I assume everyone has seen the "Karate Kid" where Mr M is catching flies with chopsticks. Well i think my wife has gone one better. LOL Whilst diligently going through her Renzukuwasa combinations it seems she managed to catch a wasp in mid flight between her toes hehehe Of course the wasp took exception and she now has a couple of fat toes to show for her skills......only downside...i wasnt there to see the action. I would have given anything to see the combinations of kicks she used to dislodge the critter. Grant
  9. If it was a no holds barred street fight i think i would put my money on "Tyson". He's a brawler and presumably would revert in that situation. With his brawling background i'm sure he would have more in his arsenal than just boxing. Then theres the amount of punishment he could absorb. It would be like trying to fight a rampaging bull Its all speculative and it would take a brave opponent to take him on. You wouldn't know what you were likely to lose Grant.
  10. For sure PC. Have a 300zx auto which we take to the summer night drag comps here in NZ. Its not really a serious competitor in amongst the big boys but we manage to get through to the semi's from time to time. Car is putting out about 400hp @ THE FW. Best time to date is a 13.7. The 2nd 300 is getting built up at the moment. Presently it is rated just over 600hp @ FW but once it is finished we are really hoping for a bit better than 700. Should be a lot more competitive. Both cars are 3l twin turbo. Ive seen the vid of the Dodge Caravan too...magic Awesome fun ... Grant.
  11. Mmmmm, cars one of my other passions. Currently have 2x 300zxTTs & Mitsi 4x4. One car can be found at http://www.600plus.com under Rides (McG/Tipler/Hick) or TD06 Z.
  12. Very true Bitseach. To a degree i was always ambidextrous but i now find that i am as strong and proficient off either side. This may not be attributed to Kata alone but i am sure they have had a part to play. Simple things like now being able to write fluidly with both hands,Using tools/weapons equally strong and accurately with either side. Came as a pleasant surprise when realisation hit Grant.
  13. Here are some of the aspects that i enjoy about Kata. They teach you discipline and control. Balance is essential to be able to perform them well. As you progress stance translations are introduced as well as multiple hand techniques. Cooordination is improved. You are taught to control breathing to remain relaxed but still maintain strength and power. Many of the simplest movements have multiple applications. (Bunkai) It is a damned good workout. Generally speaking when we are grading the Kata are performed immediately following free sparring. Your reserves are low and it is a good test of stamina and being able to perform under pressure. Quite often you are acting on reflex alone to complete the exercise. Excellent way to train you mind to cope under stress and improve mental endurance. Definitely a sense of fulfilment as you progress and master each Kata. Regards Grant.
  14. Thankyou all for the welcome. Looking forward to future discussions
  15. Hello people What a great forum you have here. I'm currently training in NZ practicing Okinawan Karate Do It is a family affair for us with my wife and children 10/12 also participating. Our Dojo follows the Shorin Ryu lineage. We practice what i would say is a fairly traditional style of Karate Do. During my teens i followed TKD for a couple of yrs until circumstances changed and i had to regretfully stop. However the interest always remained and we started with our present Dojo 6yrs ago....never too late Have thoroughly enjoyed reading through the forum the last couple of days, it really is great to see so many ppl of different styles coming together to exchange information and ideas. Regards Grant. [ This Message was edited by: Patriot on 2002-04-23 05:48 ]
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