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Everything posted by jacambece

  1. I have been working for the Cambece Law Firm for over a year on and off now and I have yet to figure out what my job title is…then again I’m not really sure what I do for the company. I have been told a bunch of things, but my other job is the same way, I really need to figure out what I am doing to make money. It would be easy if I had one set job I did or maybe something another person had done before, but it seems with the Cambece work I do I am a pioneer. If you hadn’t figured it out yet, I am not J.A. Cambece, just to set the record straight. My views and demeanor in no way shape or form reflect his stand point of views, I try to take a neutral view of all topics and people, thus I try to keep the peace and not offend anyone. Cambece PS. This is my job
  2. Recent events have made me think about what kind of guys shave their legs...I know I do, but that’s for my tattoo (hairy tattoo is nasty, I like the art I cant have it covered my hair). My question is to all guys who read this...Do/Have you shaved your arms/legs/chest or back? Sorry for the weird question, I just want to stop being curious. Cambece
  3. Ok so I may be behind on my computer knowledge, but when did Macs support windows? I was shocked when I heard this on an ad today...ok that was my story...oh wait one more part to this as a question to pc users...would you use a Mac if it was running windows and get rid of your regular desktop or laptop Cambece
  4. While going through some old CD I found these and felt as if I should share some great tunes. Both are of the Rap/Hip-hop genre, but have a techno feel…I love them as so some of my hardcore metal friends…check both CDs out if you dig good music. DJ Revolution- R2K http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000028TVH/sr=8-3/qid=1150759791/ref=sr_1_3/002-5549150-1401600?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Dr. Octagonecologyst http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000005AM7/qid=1150759852/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-5549150-1401600?s=music&v=glance&n=5174 Cambece
  5. So I broke my car coming home from work yesterday, a fire truck / ambulance decided that there was no need to alert anyone that it was hauling down the street and nearly pushed me off the road and into the curb...I’m fine but my car was in the shop and I had to walk home from the repair place...that was not fun...they should really put the sirens on when they are flying down busy streets. I got my car back today and they said I was lucky I didn’t break anything on the car, I just bent some stuff and they fixed it along with some other stuff they fixed on the car, I assume it wasn’t much work since I got it back within 24 hours. Cambece
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5047704.stm Rob Zombie is the man Cambece
  7. For the last few days I have been working on my drawing skills and I wanted to share my progress. Here are 2 of the pictures I have made…neither is too special, but then again I have really never taken the time to try and draw. Critique is welcome, but if you don’t like them please tell me why so I can fix them up and make them better. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_Drawing0002.jpg This one is just random stuff, not sure what I was going for, but I like coloring http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_Drawing0001.jpg This is some form of warrior. Cambece
  8. Oh my…The sun is out, been so long since I have seen it. The rain stopped for today, I am excited. All the water has flooded so many people’s basements and they lost so much stuff. I can’t wait for summer, then I will want to be outside all the time and the rain will be warm so it won’t matter if its raining. Cambece
  9. Yesterday I spend most of the day inside due to rain, but there were times when I had to go out...when I did I got soaked. Today I have been feeling very ill...can they be related? I went online to find out and I couldn’t find anything, but I always remember my mother telling me that if I went out in the rain I would get sick...I think I am starting to think that’s true. Cambece
  10. Listening to Dane cook and the piece with the friend everyone loves to hate came on…I find that to be wicked funny. I have a friend like that, well he isn’t a friend he is just a kid who is always around my group of friend. How do we make him leave? He is one of my friend’s old friends, but my friends find me to be far more fun than him and less annoying… we ditch him as much as possible and somehow he finds us…HELP!!! Cambece
  11. thats sounds silly...Ninjas are awesome. Cambece
  12. Do a superman suspention.. Cambece
  13. I am a superhero, but have no super strenth or flight...I just rescue people... Cambece
  14. Tattoos http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_4x62.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_tattoo012.jpg Lets all share what we have (if you have any) Cambece
  15. Thanks, thats some good info. Cambece
  16. This came out really small online,but its a full page mag cover on my computer http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/FFXII2.jpg This is about confusion and finding the way out...once again too big to post at full scale http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/Sign.jpg And this is about the cards, hiding behind the truth wont make it go away. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/Ronni.jpg Cambece
  17. An attractive man, of medium age, entered a bar and sat down. Before ordering, he could not help but notice that a group of younger men, who were drinking at a nearby table, was laughing at him. It occurred to him that it was the small pink ribbon on the lapel of his jacket that the men were joking about. At first, the man did not pay them much mind, but their insistent laughter began to bother him. He looked at one of the men directly in the eyes, then pointed his finger at the ribbon. "This?" With this gesture all the men in this table laughed openly. The man to whom he directed his look said to him, "Excuse me, friend, but we were commenting on the pretty pink ribbon on your blue jacket." Calmly, the man made a gesture to invite one of the jokers to sit down at his table. Although he was feeling quite uncomfortable, the youngest man approached and sat down. The older man, with very calm voice said to him, "I wear this ribbon to raise awareness about Mammary Cancer. I wear it in honor of my mother." "I see, friend. Did she die of mammary cancer?" "She did not. She is healthy and fine. But her breasts fed me when I was a baby and they were a comfort when I was afraid or felt alone in my childhood. I am very grateful for my mother's breasts and for their health." "I understand," the younger man replied, though not very convinced. "I also wear this ribbon to honor my wife," continued the older man. "And she also is well?" asked the younger man. "Yes. Her breasts have been a source of love for both of us. With them she fed our 23-year-old beautiful daughter. I am grateful for my wife's the breasts and for their health." "I see now," the younger man replied, "and I suppose that also you also wear the ribbon to honor your daughter." "No," replied the older man, "It is too late for that. My daughter died of mammary cancer one month ago. She thought that she was too young to have cancer, and when she accidentally noticed a small node, she ignored it. She thought that since it was not causing inconvenience or pain, there was nothing to worry about". Affected and embarrassed, the stranger said, "I'm sorry, sir." "Therefore, also in memory of my daughter, I wear this small ribbon with pride. It gives me the opportunity to speak with others. When you return to home, speak with your wife, your daughters, your mother, your sisters, your friends." "Here, have this." The man reached in his pocket and handed a small pink ribbon to the other man, who took it, looked at it and slowly raised his head. "May I help to put on it?" the older man asked, "It encourages the women that you love to practice regular auto-examinations and medical regular breast exams." Cambece
  18. I just got in a shipment of books and they are great, I was wondering if you could help me out. I am looking for design books, well they don’t need to be books, but something visual, websites, magazines, flyers even a cereal box(if it looks cool). I want to expand my knowledge and see what other people do for design work. If you have some drawings that look cool I would love to see those too. I am not trying to style ideas, just trying to get a feel for the field. Thanks, Cambece
  19. thanks for that info, i only do the japanese versions almost all american anime that goes on tv sux they take out and change so much stuff...i hate it. Cambece
  20. we play pretty heavy stuff,but i like everything, i was planing on doing some soft songs where you can hear the words and not just grunts and sreams. the doors would be interesting to hear us plan... Cambece
  21. I'm in a band i cant think of any new songs, so i was thinking i could cover some. What would be fun songs to cover? Cambece
  22. So New Years Eve cartoon network had on Naruto for 8 hours straight. I first 17 episodes where shown that day (the new episodes was at 10:30). I watched them all, this was the first time I watched Naruto all the way through, I had caught a glimpse of it here and there and seen some Japanese ones, but didn’t know the story so I didn’t care about what was happening. Now I am hooked and I am downloading the first 5 seasons. Cambece
  23. Hows it going? i figured i would introduce myself...I'm cambece i work for the cambece law firm ( not a lawyer,just happen to have the same name as the owner.) i know enough martial arts to live through a fight,but i am always open to new styles, to truly deafeat a style you must master that style, so i will always be learning and becoming better, but for now... Talk to you all later Cambece
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