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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. I have been working for the Cambece Law Firm for over a year on and off now and I have yet to figure out what my job title is…then again I’m not really sure what I do for the company. I have been told a bunch of things, but my other job is the same way, I really need to figure out what I am doing to make money. It would be easy if I had one set job I did or maybe something another person had done before, but it seems with the Cambece work I do I am a pioneer. If you hadn’t figured it out yet, I am not J.A. Cambece, just to set the record straight. My views and demeanor in no way shape or form reflect his stand point of views, I try to take a neutral view of all topics and people, thus I try to keep the peace and not offend anyone. Cambece PS. This is my job
  2. Recent events have made me think about what kind of guys shave their legs...I know I do, but that’s for my tattoo (hairy tattoo is nasty, I like the art I cant have it covered my hair). My question is to all guys who read this...Do/Have you shaved your arms/legs/chest or back? Sorry for the weird question, I just want to stop being curious. Cambece
  3. Ok so I may be behind on my computer knowledge, but when did Macs support windows? I was shocked when I heard this on an ad today...ok that was my story...oh wait one more part to this as a question to pc users...would you use a Mac if it was running windows and get rid of your regular desktop or laptop Cambece
  4. While going through some old CD I found these and felt as if I should share some great tunes. Both are of the Rap/Hip-hop genre, but have a techno feel…I love them as so some of my hardcore metal friends…check both CDs out if you dig good music. DJ Revolution- R2K http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000028TVH/sr=8-3/qid=1150759791/ref=sr_1_3/002-5549150-1401600?%5Fencoding=UTF8 Dr. Octagonecologyst http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000005AM7/qid=1150759852/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/002-5549150-1401600?s=music&v=glance&n=5174 Cambece
  5. So I broke my car coming home from work yesterday, a fire truck / ambulance decided that there was no need to alert anyone that it was hauling down the street and nearly pushed me off the road and into the curb...I’m fine but my car was in the shop and I had to walk home from the repair place...that was not fun...they should really put the sirens on when they are flying down busy streets. I got my car back today and they said I was lucky I didn’t break anything on the car, I just bent some stuff and they fixed it along with some other stuff they fixed on the car, I assume it wasn’t much work since I got it back within 24 hours. Cambece
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/5047704.stm Rob Zombie is the man Cambece
  7. For the last few days I have been working on my drawing skills and I wanted to share my progress. Here are 2 of the pictures I have made…neither is too special, but then again I have really never taken the time to try and draw. Critique is welcome, but if you don’t like them please tell me why so I can fix them up and make them better. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_Drawing0002.jpg This one is just random stuff, not sure what I was going for, but I like coloring http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_Drawing0001.jpg This is some form of warrior. Cambece
  8. Oh my…The sun is out, been so long since I have seen it. The rain stopped for today, I am excited. All the water has flooded so many people’s basements and they lost so much stuff. I can’t wait for summer, then I will want to be outside all the time and the rain will be warm so it won’t matter if its raining. Cambece
  9. Yesterday I spend most of the day inside due to rain, but there were times when I had to go out...when I did I got soaked. Today I have been feeling very ill...can they be related? I went online to find out and I couldn’t find anything, but I always remember my mother telling me that if I went out in the rain I would get sick...I think I am starting to think that’s true. Cambece
  10. Listening to Dane cook and the piece with the friend everyone loves to hate came on…I find that to be wicked funny. I have a friend like that, well he isn’t a friend he is just a kid who is always around my group of friend. How do we make him leave? He is one of my friend’s old friends, but my friends find me to be far more fun than him and less annoying… we ditch him as much as possible and somehow he finds us…HELP!!! Cambece
  11. thats sounds silly...Ninjas are awesome. Cambece
  12. Do a superman suspention.. Cambece
  13. I am a superhero, but have no super strenth or flight...I just rescue people... Cambece
  14. Tattoos http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_4x62.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y33/godmode21/th_tattoo012.jpg Lets all share what we have (if you have any) Cambece
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