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Everything posted by CFREW

  1. the answer to your question ovine king is yes, my sifu, alastar bourne, was a student to sifu yew tong kwong, yew tong kwong was one of sifu ip shui senior students, now because my sifu alastar bourne was also a sifu of another hakka kung fu art, premission was given from sifu kwong, aka ( MR FONG ) if the integration would be allowed, short end of it it was allowed but was never to be acknowledged as simply Chow Gar Tong Long Kune, astrael ill PM you
  2. where abouts in New Zealand do you live I live in Auckland, and im a southern kung fu practiconer of CH'I KUNE JOW DO, its an integration of chow gar tong long kune, ( SOUTHERN PRAYING MANTIS ) and Lo fu do ( Way of the tiger ) if you are studying the Sir Ge Dorr,and are you being trained by Sisuk Peddie Dordevich, are you at the Mt albert war memorial hall, or out in Te Atatu, im actually quite interested in seeing the snake set, PM me if you like
  4. Yeah i totally agree with you in regards to that respects where alot of arts have been lost, or altered through its time lines, Tong Long Kune SPM is actually quite well known, an alot of people study it there is actually a forum for it check this out here under southern mantis http://forum.kungfumagazine.com/forum/index.php? here is a few of our forms claw form,chop sao,phon sao,jow sao,Iron palm, Iron fingers,leopard,crane,snake, Sensei Rick (quote)Is kung fu an all encompassing word for chinese arts or is it a specific art unto itself my own opinion is that Kung fu Enccompasses all that is towards the Chinese arts, terms of healing, as well as preservation of life
  5. i see so you both come from yip man lineage here is mine, Tong Long Kune, SMP lineage Chou Ah nan Wong Fook Go, aka ( Mr Fong ) Yip Shiu Sifu Alistar Bourne My father me
  6. Hay All Shogeri i truly admire your understanding/perspective an outlook of things, very similar to my views,
  7. Hay Stone crusher SPM that i studied was taught to my sifu Chris Loh and my father by Sifu Alistar Bourne who studied TONG LONG from sifu Yew Tong Kwong aka Mr Fong The founder of our Tong Long Kune was a man called Chou ah Nan Sifu Bourne in the 1950's was taught Lo Fu Do by Wah Li Young in london, Wah Li young came from Burma Where he studied Lo Fu Do unfortunately little is known about the origins of Lo Fu Do coinsedentaly since both styles are very similar, Sifu Bourne Integrated both arts Ch'i Kune Jow Do is the result But thanks heaps for the info Stone crusher Muchly appreciated
  8. I have been studying MT for the past 5 months now, and i am also a kung fu practiconer in a southern style, short fist kung fu called, CHI KUNE JOW DO kung fu bringing both southern style TONG LONG ( mantis fist ) an LO FU DO ( way of the tiger ) for the past 5 years, an am also a brown belt in bujikan ninjitsu TONG LONG an LO FU DO, are very similar to the studies of Wing chun, as we both study in grappling, chi sao, phon sao,jow sao, the list goes on so WC an my styles are very similar now my understanding is that both MT and WC have its strengths an weaknesses i can speak from both sides as i study kung fu as well as MT, all i can see is do not limit yourself to just one MA but like my father taught me ( BE WELL ROUNDED ) the only limitations is that of which you place of yourself, if i was to say which was the better MA, i would say, STUDY BOTH STYLES, because its not about the style, BUT OF THE PERSON, an what they are willing to do, are the willing to put there life on the line or not p.s i would also like to state that with MT i found it harder to fight a group, yes i have gained speed, power, an accuracy but i see this as a minor short coming or limitation of the art, it is definetly lethal with a 1 on 1 fight but what happens when your out late at night in town, an a group of thugs jump you, you aint wanting to stand around an elbow or round house kick everyone of them or curb knee them, you dont have the time, so this is a short coming of the art, where with in KUNG FU you are free flowing, able to move always move everytime you make contact with them its designed to hurt, whether its a block its designed to hurt muscle, well thats my 5 cents CHEERS from the beautiful land of the long white cloud AOTEAROA aka NEW ZEALAND
  9. Hi all i just wanted to know if there was anyone in here who lives in NZ,New Zealand that studies wing chun, as im interested in viewing a wing chun class, just to view that is all, an to see how similar it is to the Kung fu art that ive been studing for the past 5 years it is a southern fist styles combined into one TONG LONG (Southern mantis Fist) LO FU DO ( Way of the tiger ) thanks all
  10. Sorry guys im from NZ, ive studied southern fist kung fu styles for 5 years now called Chi Kune Jow do, its a combination of southern TONG LONG ( mantis fist ) an LO FU DO ( way of the tiger ) in one as they are similar styles, now im just wanting to know, WHAT THE FLIP IS SHAOLIN KEMPO, thanks all
  11. ive studied A southern style of kung fu for 5 years now, i dont know if many of you out there have heard of it, its called Chi Kune jow do, basically its joinning both southern styles TONG LONG KUNE Mantis Fist and LO FU DO way of the tiger an have joined both southern styles into one im also a brown belt in bujinkan ninjitsu, and am currently trainning in muay thai boxing ( 3 months trainning ) i believe that every martial arts where ever it has originated has its good principals an not so good, so visit many different martial arts, test the waters an see what best fits you, an dont believe the hype KUNG Fu has both it soft an hard types of fighting in many of the styles, so dont limit yourself to just one technique but become well rounded good luck
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