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Everything posted by rs_coble

  1. I believe meditation has its benefits, but I think the worst advice someone can give you is to empty your mind completely, because you never know what you might let in. There is alot of spiritual forces in this world and we don't understand the majority of what is going on. I am a christian and not trying to say that it is wrong to meditate, but you have to be ready to accept the consequences of doing things the wrong way. This is just my belief and I am not trying to offend anyone, so tell me what you all think about this.
  2. I personally like the black Kung fu tops with white buttons and black pants, which is what we wear. They can get hot especially in group class, so we can wear shorts or whatever, but during our private lessons we are supposed to be in full uniform.
  3. Man that is a good question, I know that a reverse bow can be used for defense, but I never thought about using a forward bow for anything other than attacking, I'll have to think about this and try some stuff out and then I'll post whatever I can come up with
  4. Merry Christmas especially to Cowboy fans whose team may still have some hope for a playoff spot
  5. At my school we have two different styles that are taught, Kenpo(which actually is a blending of chinese and okinawan style) which is the main thing that is taught. But we also have a hung-gar class that is taught once a week. The styles are actually rather similar so that it might not even really be considered cross-training.
  6. A friend and me joined a school together. We started teaching when we became purple belts, we are now blue belts, our green belt test is coming up. We only teach yellow and orange belts and higher rank instructors teach everyone else or our sifu does it. My friend and I were just asked to take over the sparring classes, but we have a problem with a couple of students not respecting us because of our rank, but to me that is more of a lack of respect to our sifu who chose us. I was wondering if any of you have ever had this problem? To answer the question though, I think anyone who is serious about martial arts should try to be an instructer. U learn so much from your students it is kinda of wierd how that works out.
  7. I am training in a Chinese Kenpo and Ryu-kyu kempo, I practice Hung-gar in between belts. I am currently a Blue Belt and will probably have my green in a couple of months. I am 23 and go to college, I am studying 3D animation and will transfer to another school to get a bachelors in game design. By the way this is probably one of the coolest web sites i have seen, tons of information for someone that eats, sleeps, and breathes martial arts.
  8. 16 katas, mix of chinese kenpo forms (Chinese long and short forms) and ryu-kyu( Shodan,Nidan,Sandan,Seisan,Passai,Kusanku-i think is how the last one is spelled.)
  9. hey thanks for the comments, they are filled with mung beans. yeah the main thing i am worried about is permanent damage so i will take the advice and take it easy.
  10. i just bought some iron tao bags and was wondering what is the best way to train with these. like how often,how long, what type of strike benefits from these and proper way to do this without hurting myself. I am wanting to toughen my hands with the larger bag and toughen arms and shins with smaller bag, so any suggestions would be helpful.thanks
  11. hey this is the other instrutor in blue devil's class and i just wanted to say thanks for all the input. we've got some good ideas and hopefully we can make this class something people will enjoy coming to instead of avoiding.
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