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  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    Erie, PA
  • Occupation
    Former Martial Arts Instructor
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sk0t's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Nonetheless, this will sway the art from being applicable in self-defense to being tournament oriented, and no matter how it is looked at, it will lose its real life appeal.
  2. If all this does happen, I will resend my Combat Hapkido rank. And be done with it forever.
  3. A year doesnt really seem that long to me to wait until your blue belt.
  4. For all of you who part take in BJJ classes, what are you instructors/associations prmotion requirements... For example: White Belt ---getting stripes (what is required) ---then promotion to Blue (what is required) And then so on throughout the ranks... I am just curious to know, since there is No unified source for BJJ.
  5. First of all this isnt the most important test of your life....this is just another class in your never-ending quest in the martial arts. Dont think of this as a test...think of it as another class that you are doing (there will just be alot of people there), you have obviously done what you needed to do, you just need to show it. So stop thinking about it, do the kicks, do the punches, do the board breaking, do the forms, do the sparring...do what you gotta do, and then be done with it... If you over think it, you will not pass.
  6. You know... Living in a world that requires people to turn a blind eye to things, that expecting that people be the mature person, or the stand-up type of gentlemen...I would say that you were wrong. But knowing what I know about people, and knowing how nice guys always finish last...I commend you. Of course there will be some on this board that will tell you that you should have called the instructor over and let him know, or you should have just taken it with a grain of salt and let it slide, or you should have refused to spar...but hindsight is always 20/20. You are 27 years old, far over the age of answering to anyone but yourself. You made a decision and whether or not you agree with it after the fact, that is what you did. I would have done the same. If your TKD is better than someone elses, that is not a fault, and you shouldnt take it as one...jealousy and envy rule our world, and it makes people better themselves, or take advantage of situations that they can be clever enough to take. Personally, I would have done the same thing... I wont let myself have people gunning for me, without doing a little gunning of my own. I am 23 years old and a Kukkiwon 4th Dan (I started as a POOM for all you guys who think you cant get 4th until 25)... You did what you had to do, dont question it...just know that you did it, and move on...
  7. For all you BJJ Gurus... What do you think is the best way to improve your game. I want to hear something more than just "Roll More".
  8. Question to all: In BJJ...what are you hands in relation to you opponent. For example: In your opponents guard. In your opponents mount. Your opponent in your guard. You mount your opponent. Cross side (you on top). Cross side (on the bottom). North/South (both respects). Your opponent on your back. I would just like to know how you work on protecting the neck from these positions.
  9. I trained with Ed Sell a few times a while back. I am a member of his organization and teach his variation of TKD (WTF affil). He is a good guy with a great organization.
  10. I think that $500 dollars is very expensive. What is the 2nd and 3rd Dan fees... $500 is way too much, IMHO. I think I paid $150 for the Kukkiwon 1st Dan and that was it, and I got the belt and everything.
  11. I have an Adidas Rio Club Gi from KodokanGear.com It is the best uniform I have had in a long time.
  12. Well are you sure that it isnt KTAA...I know that Grandmaster Ronald Rose runs the KTAA which was founded by Grandmaster Ed Sell who know runs the USCDKA. Check to make sure there is only 1 A instead of 2. KTA or KTAA.
  13. Can someone here give me a general timeframe of how long it should take to advance between the ranks...this is just a general question. I, personally, do not care about rank...and have been a white belt for a long time now...I am just curious as to what you guys think should be a general timeframe. Also, do you feel that ranking is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is different than rank in other styles. Just curious as to what you all think.
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