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Everything posted by HarvesterofSorrow

  1. Sifu Grados your sifu OxyAsh? So your sigung is my sifu; Augustine Fong.
  2. fully extended? odd, we dont do that, well not at my kwoon. I see no pont in fully extending the arm when the gaurd is up. Other issues? Enlighten me.
  3. Why wouldn't you count Taiji as a gung fu style?
  4. Ah yes! I love wing chun. Been taking it for like 4 or 5 months. Its Freakin' great.
  5. southern mantis is alot like Wing Chun
  6. "Zu Warriors" and there is a movie about Yip Man in the making I believe. Dont remember the title though.
  7. mmm yes yop chagi! any kind of sidekick. i love 'em!
  8. I went to a TSD class today to watch. It was pretty good from what I can see. Testing is by invitation from instructor only. They also teach Gumdo to advanced students, way more advanced, since the use live blades most of the time. Anyway I was wondering what some of the differences were between TKD and TSD. Any help would be great, thanx.
  9. to those people that pratice both--Do you punch with a vertical(WC) fist, or a horizontal(TKD) fist? Just wondering 'cause I practice Wing Chun and I might start TKD under Jae Kim here in tucson az. Anyone heard of him?
  10. Shuai Chiao has many throws. I believe the art is primarily throws to finish off the opponent ie. throwing someone on their head...really hard...into the concrete. have fun
  11. stonecrusher is right about 'sticking hands' being a better name.
  12. I never tried push hands. What's that like?
  13. but if you move with the boxer then you would be chasing the hands. Its not always a good idea to chase the hands cause thats not what you're trying to destroy.
  14. besides in the end Wing Chun is intended to evolve with the practitioner
  15. i dont think it would be useful in boxing 'cause you dont stick to your opponent in boxing. I'm no boxer but those jabs seem to be in n' out. Chisao is so you can feel where your opponent is going. You learn to feel where he is sending his energy.
  16. I agree with -: about wing chun. I'm taking it and it is great! Muay Thai and Thai Boxing are the same thing. Muay Thai is also a good art to take up (great workout too). Hapkido is good from what I here. My cousin teaches it but he's 2000 miles away in Guadalajara Mex. so he's not readily available for info. I'll see what I can dig up.
  17. maybe in a few more months I will agree to some friendly sparring with him, but as of now he can still make me is biatch
  18. My cousin recently started training in MCMAP. He says there is a bunch of jiujutsu(sp) and some other stiking diciplines. I'm gonna visit him in a few weeks and see whats goin' on.
  19. The guy that teaches over here is Jae Kim. He Teaches TKD and hapkido. He is 6th or 7th dan but I have yet to see credentials, thats just what it said in the advertisement. It also says he is former Republic of Korean Army Demo Team Instuctor
  20. I did TKD for a while but then I moved. I miss all the kicking. I believe that it is good to have long range fighting capability as well as up close.
  21. I am currently taking wing chun and wanted to incorperate another art in to my training. I was thinking TKD for some long range fighting skills. What do you guys think? I will not try to put the two styles together. If someone is in close already then I will use wing chun. If they are out I would then use kicks. thanx [ This Message was edited by: HarvesterofSorrow on 2002-05-28 17:11 ]
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