well ive been training mma and once a week we do gi and twice no gi but anyways im new and ill admit im not good yet but theres also a couple of other new kids in my class, ones like 12 but these kids are always fighting like there lives are on the line when in reality were doing light sparring. anyways after a demonstration i was watching the young kid sparr with a guy in my class whos a yellow belt in bjj and the yellow belt locked the young kid in an RNC and this dumb kid thought he was gonna be tough and not tap and sure enough his eyes started bulging and the instructor and to break the hold and this kid couldnt get up for quite some time. he eventually did and he just left the class with his mom. it was actually pretty scary but im wondering if any of you have ever been passed out? im afraid to enter a tourny and get knocked out but is it scarry? dangerous?