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    South Texas
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KarateKicked's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. dang those seem pricey too me. i pay 50 a month to train with a brown belt in bjj. he earned it in 3 years of training from a legitmate bjj school too. at the same time the instructor is barely older than i am and it different to me because all my other teachers were double my age.
  2. well ive been training mma and once a week we do gi and twice no gi but anyways im new and ill admit im not good yet but theres also a couple of other new kids in my class, ones like 12 but these kids are always fighting like there lives are on the line when in reality were doing light sparring. anyways after a demonstration i was watching the young kid sparr with a guy in my class whos a yellow belt in bjj and the yellow belt locked the young kid in an RNC and this dumb kid thought he was gonna be tough and not tap and sure enough his eyes started bulging and the instructor and to break the hold and this kid couldnt get up for quite some time. he eventually did and he just left the class with his mom. it was actually pretty scary but im wondering if any of you have ever been passed out? im afraid to enter a tourny and get knocked out but is it scarry? dangerous?
  3. o.k my coach was teaching us some basic stand up and and takedowns from the clinch in my mma class yesterday. when he was showing us stances he mentioned something about bruce lees theory about using your strong hand to work the jab (having 2 missles as he put it) basically it went like i put my right foot pointed foward and my right hand leading and protecting my face and my left kept back and used for the cross.(both elbows kept in). anyways i went over to go work on the bags during open mat and i man ive never met before started showing me how to box differently. he had me lead with my left foot and jab with the left. also he had me keep my right hand high and close to my head while the left was low and more outward. i left confused after being taught conflicting stand up stances. which of these is the right stance to have? i know i should go with what my coach showed me but im thinking the other guy might have been showing me a strictly boxing stance while the coach was showing me a stance for mma. any thoughts on this?
  4. my coach has cauliflower ear bad on one side and the other is hardly noticeable. but you do have to train alot to get it. i noticed my ear swelling up after we practiced takedowns for a good hour. im gonna look into headgear though because i really dont want them.
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