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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Hayashi Ha Shito-Ryu

ddavis's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. I have seen every Bruce Lee movie, more than twice. A side note, a friend of mine has a copy of Jet Li's Fist of Fury, subtitles in English and Chinese, with Hmong language dubbing. The final fight between Jet Li and the Japanese General, is IMHO, best I have ever seen.
  2. Chinese Connection was the American release name for Fist of Fury, when it was first released way back in the 70's. The movie was released in America right after the French Connection was a big hit, the producers were not sure if using the title of Fist of Fury would sell to Americans.
  3. You need to asked yourself why you need to seek other instructors opinions, is something missing in your current training? Do you feel the level of instruction is less than what you expected? I regularly train with Shotokan-Ryu & Goju-Ryu players. We discuss how we are the same and how we differ, but I do not change my core training. I never tell my Sensei, that's not correct 'cause I trained the other day with instructor X and he does it this way. That's just bad form. David
  4. If you're paying for the instruction, you do not own any thing to the instructor. Imho, he is threaten by you going elsewhere, and most likely feels you and your money will go out the door, never to return. Never stay where you are berated in front of other students, be the adult, and don't drink the cool aid. David
  5. ddavis

    Kata List ..

    Hayashi Ha Shito-Ryu has 63 kata's, of these I train 40 of them. From what I have read, Kenwa Mabuni taught 70 Kata's and he train 99 Kata's, some were his own Kata's. David
  6. I saw Bruce Lee's Chinese Connection, and I was hooked.
  7. I do not go out of my way to tell people that I train, for just that very reason. When people find out I have been training Karate since 1977, they will say some very stupid things, based on their limit MA experience. I was told by Hanshi Ken Rossen, a Black belt is a White belt that never quit. Myself, I think a Black belt is more than that, but that for another thread. David
  8. I agree Jussi, I tend to go with quality over price.
  9. Some parents want little "Johnny" to move up the Kyu ladder a long with all the other kids, and their is nothing wrong with that. They do not want to be faced with the fact that little "Johnny" might not be any good at MA. It takes hand eye coordination, memory and athletic abilities, which, he may not have at this time in his maturation. Kids sometimes freeze up when they have a formal test, any test. To help in this, we have done away with formal testing, since they are subjective anyway. We have started to just ask students to do techniques "abc", during regular class. If they can great, if they cannot, then we tell them not to worry, we have all month to get them up to speed. If they need help with a Kata, then we give them all the help we can. In the end, it is up to the student to show what they know, and we mark it off the list of expectations for the next kyu. I should make this clear, we do this for only kyu grades up to 4th. After that they will be taking a formal test. Every parent/student is given a list of the requirements for the next kyu. I want everyone to know what is expected and we tell the parent and the student they can mark off the list what they have completed on their own list. I think this is fair, it keeps the parent up to date on where their child is in his/her MA readiness for the next kyu.
  10. Kaminari, If you like open hand techinques, you'll also like Tomari Passai.
  11. I maybe wrong, but I think it comes from the Japanese word miwashigeri (sp?). Miwashi = round Geri = kick. American's coming back to the U.S and starting their own Dojo's needed to explain the kick, would use the term roundhouse kick, using a term that American's were familar with, roundhouse punch.
  12. As of last night I am working on Seisan, Sepai, Tensho, yes I think this will keep me very busy over the Holidays.
  13. Thank you all for the kind welcome.
  14. Hello Everyone, I just start coming on this forum a few days ago, looks great. A brief bio, I am a Nidan in Hayashi Ha Shito-Ryu, and I help teach at Mr. C's Karate School in Clovis.Ca. I studied Shotokan karate in college, my room mate at the time said that his P.E. class would be cancelled unless more people sign up. So I signed up, that was back in 1977. You can guess my age, but why, I'll tell you, I'm 49 yreas old.
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