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Everything posted by steelwater

  1. Yes, I was trained to perform the shuto this way, but only when it is being used for striking. Just a note for all the people saying "sounds like a good way to get the pinky broken" If you're doing it correctly (as a strike), you'd have more of a chance of getting it dislocated/jammed than broken. As for the explanation: The concept around the physical part is that extending the pinky actually results in a tighter and stronger strike. If you want to try an example, extend your pinky away from the other fingers as much as you can, tense your hand and strike your wrist repeatedly. Stop and do the shuto that you're accustomed too. Alternate back and forth. Extending the pinky results in a stronger strike. No, you will NOT break your pinky because the strike is designed for the area under it. Now.. for the more spiritual side. This shuto is actually a "hand seal", hand gestures that are derived from esoteric buddhism. The hand seal is supposed to represent the sword of enlightenment, which cuts away delusions. The whole delusion thing has never worked for me, but sticking the pinky out does. As it's very late here, my mind is kinda jumbled, but tomorrow I'll be back with a picture and possibly a video of the concept. P.S: I just found this forum today and already I enjoy it more than the other forum I was at. Keep up the good work!
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