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Everything posted by tsdkid
It depinds on who or were your going to be learing tsd.Some instrucors and assos tend to be less or more. tradishional than others.I would recamond not taking it if its part of world tsd assos.One reason is because of money.youl pay lots of mony for tones of test that have no real pourpes.Number 2 thay broke away froum tradison thay went to point sparring.Talk to the instrucotr.If he is a tradishonalist.Than it will be one of the most rewarding thing you can do for your self.
I qualified for our Worlds!
tsdkid replied to Aodhan's topic in Share Your Testing, Grading, or Promotion
have fun with points lol -
you name one japines instructor hwang kee had.you cant there is not one.once agen we share certin forms i wont argue that.not only that the forms werent even in tsd origanoly.Thay were aded by gm hwang kee well after his art was formed.Thay were only aded to incress sytudents.because people easly identifid theam.Our art is and never was based of of shotokan.I know this because my insturtor helped bring tsd over to the us.not only that he traned under gm hwang kee gm jc shin gm yu and gm yi.was cofounder of wts and all american tsd assios.so dont tell me what you dont know.
First off every martal art has similaritys.But i guess thay must be all off shots of shotokan which is inist self.And off shoot of goju.Never said tsd was a pure korean art ever.I said tsd was not based off of shotokan.with that said it is consederd karate. there for will look like other styles of karate.chan fan kempo also uses a front stance and linear tecniqes.But i guess thats and off shot of shotokan.As for tsd not haveing acent roots.Your rong and any tsd master or martila arts historian will easly dis prove that staement.Just because tsd doesent look like ancent teak kwon does not mean.It doesent have roots in it.Thay would be like saying kung fu doesnt look like ancent shalen kung fu there for its not.give me a brake.
I trane under grandmaster clingan.We conseder our art the moodukwan style of tangsoodo.I dont know were youi train.But were taught hard soft tecniqes from day one.I will agree that with the excpitn of kee cho young sambo.you dont seen a definent soft patter until bb levils.But just because we share some of the same forms .doest not mean are style is based off of shotokan.For one in tsd our kicks are done completly difrent than any other art.not even tkd has the same styles of kicks we do.Well at lest not most tkd any way.Number two.In tsd there is much more self defince and grapling than in shotokan.At lest the shotokan i have seen. As for tsd beang changed.I am taught the same style of tsd as my instructer was taught.He as preservd tradishonal tsd.Probly more so than most other insturctors.Who brought it over froum korea.There are a few others but I would like to think.I am beang taught tsd as it was ment to be.
First off the forms are of okinowin origin.Not japines so thay were not borrowd from shotokan.Second shotokan also came by theys forms from okinowah.Also tsd does not resemble shotokan.tsd is a hard soft style were shotokan is on a liner basis.Shotokan uses much more shorter stances.Pluse the use of hips is completly difrent.We just got a student in our studio who has 3 years of shotokan under him.And nothing he does is even similer to what we do.
Help with finding Katas
tsdkid replied to Heather Smyth's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
go to googel type in master mac. his site has some of the korean forms. we call theam hungs not kata -
First of tangsoodo is tradishonal korean karate.I can understand were tkd is not.Tkd was a faled attempt by korea to take all. outside influinces out of korean karate.Thay dont even want it called karate.Now dont get me rong I am not saying tkd is bad.I am saying not every one united under the name tkd.Hence faled. I am pround of Tangsoodo and all of its influnices.But I am tired of people saying its the same.As japines karate.There is no japines influince.There is how ever okinawon formes in it.so I will give you that but the ismuch more chines influnice than okinawon.Not only that you forget the koreans were practising karate thousends of years ago.Befor japan or okinowa ever invaded. Now i would like to know were you think shotokan influned tsd or tkd.If you have proof i would love to see because funikoshi would of been long pased on by the time gm hwang kee was around 11.But if he does have influnes in tkd.I would not know.I dont know much abut tkd after the split.As gm hwang kee chose to remane indapendint.But befor the split shotokan had nothing to do with tsd of tkd.As i mentiond befor he was long passed by the time any of this took place. Now i am not meaning to offend anyone Just tying to clear up some miss conceptions.
Well its easy for me to anser.For one reason my instructor is. co foundere of 2 sepert orginazations.Hes walked away froum bouth of thean.For one reason all thay wanted was money.So I know if he told me walk.It would be for my protection.Not only that he was the one whot traned me not the org.
Breaking a board with a spear finger:
tsdkid replied to Cybren's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
First off its very posible.My instructor went trogh 7 1inc sement tiles.with a spear hand.And countlis pine with spear finger.hes only suferd miner injers on.on the spear hand no injurys.so yes it can be done -
What kind of Royce will we see?
tsdkid replied to UseoForce's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Hello royce has no problem standing up.He may not be the best but his hands are much better than matt.Y dont you pull some royce tapes.Yull see just mow much he actully does strike.Not just that royce can sidmit you standing a number of difrent ways.Mats only got a standing choke.Its gunna be one sided.Mats only fought a youg gr saintpear.Royce is a tactison.Mats a cage fighter -
What kind of Royce will we see?
tsdkid replied to UseoForce's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Royce at his worst is twice the fighter mat huges is.royce is a true martial artis mat is just a nhb guy.Hes never face a man like royce.Even though b.jpeen lost his last fight.Lets not forget how fast he stoped mat.Royce is gunna put mat huges lights out -
What kind of Royce will we see?
tsdkid replied to UseoForce's topic in BJJ, Judo, Jujitsu, Aikido, and Grappling Martial Arts
Royce at his worst is twice the fighter mat huges is.royce is a true martial artis mat is just a nhb guy.Hes never face a man like royce.Even though b.jpeen lost his last fight.Lets not forget how fast he stoped mat.Royce is gunna put mat huges lights out -
In our studio under our gm it takes at least 3 1/2 years. Also Its sad when a instructor hands a student a belt.First off it gives the chiled a falus senice of sucrety.Also it gives your studio a bad name and your students a bad name.Which is horible because there trusting you with there sucrety.The martial arts in not a game or sport its a way of life.And a way of defince it should presurved not tarneshed.
Chuck norris was and is a undefited champion.That alone speaks for him.Any one who would insult a ma ledgend if very insucre.I can asure you mr Norris can defend him self if need be.I should know because my instructor traind with him. The mans a ledgend and because of his reputaion.People are going to try to discredit him.But see the man once and youll know thers a quilty martial artist.
MMa fan by any chance.are you near cherry hill
What set of froms do you practice in ufaf.
In my experince. It has been very efective in definding my self.But That is because of the way my gm has us train.I fell if you train relisticly and spar realisticly youll de prepared for what ever life brings you.Weather it be nother martil artist.Or just a thug. But in geniarel.TSD is one of the most well rounded ma,s out there.Because of this you will learn evrything froum striking to grapling.At least we do in my assos i belong too.Aslo it is and entirnial art so you will learn proper use of ki energy.Wich will also tramindesly help in a street situation.And in everyday life. Also if you find a Quality instructor.who has presvrd tradishional tsd.youl find it to be very combat afective.For the simple fact youl train tradisonaly.Hard on the body hard on the mind good for the spirit.
wounderful.I study under gm william clingan.With gm clingans tangsoodo assos.Its nice to finde people who love the art.
I was just wounder. who on this sithe study tang soo do. also who with and under waht org if any.
It was semmi full thay wore hand pads.But you could use any tecniqe and as much power as you wanted.he got ko,d.Decimated means he got humilated the kid did what ever he wanted when ever he wanted.His oponit had no ansers. By no means am i saying he was a bad martialartis.He just wasent prepared. He came to our studio were we spar semi full every class.In his studio thay only do points and light contact once a month.So he was out of his elemnt which is y i said .Dont worry about the styel find a quality instructor.who understand more than just the tecniqe.He also knows how to aply it.
I was woundering if anyone has heard of gm william clingan.If so what are your thoughts on him.By the way his styel is tangsoodo.
any martal art can be afective. as long as you understand its aplications.I dont belive one styel is beeter than the other.Its all about your understanding of the art and its perpises.Also it has a lot too do with your instructor.There are many masters out there.Who know the katas and tecniqes but have no idea how to apply theam.My adise if you want to be prepared spar spar spar. As for styel vs styel i wouldent get into that.I have seen great martal artes in many styels.But there are also bad marti artes in each styel.Ive seen a 5th dagree blacbelt in shotokan.Get decimated by a 16year old black belt in tangsoodo.The 5th dagree was much better with tecniqe.He was faste stronger and more fluent.but he still lost.y you say.becaue he dint know how to applly his abliity is combat.so i say dont worry about styel fide a quality instructor.who knows more than just the tecniqe.
I dont understand y practishoners of tkd and tsd tend to hate each other.Of course this in just in genriel i dont mean all hate each other just most.I dont understand y when the arts have so much in common.Even I tend to look down on tkd but when i looked into there art we have so much in common.Are historys revolve around each other it just seems one branched off in to a more spoter verson wile the the stayed more tradishonal.