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  • Location
    Hull, Québec
  • Interests
    All kind of sports
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Mo_Tseu's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Hi all, The best way to counter a hard-to-block punch is to destroy the shoulder, then you destroy the momentum of the punch. counichiwa
  2. Hi all, this weekend, I attempted at a seminar of Pekiti Tersia in Montreal teached by Leo Gae. It was so incredible!!! He simplified his system to the simples attacks and entries. He took the time to check, at each technique, if everybody was doing it right, by practicing with eachother. Does anybody have some experiences they wanna chare with us??
  3. In my case, I want to combine the two martial art to become a better fighter. Althought Kali and kung-fu are a great combination, I should train in grappling because my two styles don't have enough of it. counichiwa
  4. Hi all, One of the best martial art to defend yourself against any weapons is Silat and Kali were your learn to neutralize the weapon and the arm of your opponent. counichiwa
  5. When you're attacked by someone with a knive, you're are screwed up at first and if you can get out of it, you're pretty damn lucky. counichiwa undefined
  6. Hi Hiya, The incredible force of wing chun is not only in chain punching. Bruce Lee said : Be formeless, shapless like water my friend. This mean that you don't have techniques to show like jab,jab uppercuts,round house... You adapte you fighting with the techniques of your opponent. I could explain to you all the philosophy of wing chun, but would write for pages. With the chi sao training, you develop your sensitivity. It is like pushing hands in tai chi. Wing chun is close range combat, so you always touch your opponent and can feel the next move he will do by feeling the way the opponent is transfering is energy. Don't be freaked out by the word energy, it's just the force that he is excercing and the transfer of his center of stability. I will let someone else explain the rest and surely reexplain my part because I have to go sleep. counichiwa
  7. Hi all, This question was several times discussse, but Idon't think my argument was ever pointed out. I train several kinds of kung fu at the same time, silat and kali ,because my teacher is pitching them to me like that and I don't find it hard in switching styles. I think that it all become one at last. The only limit you have is to not cross-train internal and external martial arts. counichiwa
  8. Hi all, I had the chance to go at the match at last. It was so incredible, so intertaining and so relaxing(afterward). One of the best moment was the light weight match where the two fighters lasted so long, when one was knocking the other one, the bell rang, but at last the guy left on the ambulance bed (I don't know how it's written). Anyway, if you have seen the match or you just want to say your opinion about ultimate fighting, just write down something !!!! counichiwa
  9. I agree with you martial Artist, those guys are just hiting on each other without havin some techniques. It is really stupid to congratulates you to have broken the arm or the ribs of somebody just for fun. When trainig full contact, you should have some techniques to practice and rules to follow. coonichiwa
  10. I think kenpo is the kind of martial art you are looking for. I think it is an army trainig at the beginnig, correct me if I'm rong.
  11. I would recommend as simple as a belt that you wear everyday. It's the weapon you have on you all the time(pratically) . I would put a metal piece on the ned and there it is , the killer mother ****er weapon !! I would say to, a retractable stick which can be hidden. coonichiwa
  12. I recommend to begin the art of Kali which begin with one stick about 2-3 feets long then with two stick, then with one stick and one knive, then with whatever you want to express your. Try to escape an attack from a stick, it's practically impossible. HAVE FUN AND KICK ASSES!!!!
  13. I would want to know if somebody know about san soo weapon and weapon forms. It is also known as tsoi li ho fut.
  14. I agree with guys and girls that those kids have to be ****ed in hte head to kill their buddies. BUT, you have to go further by asking yourself : why he's so ****ed ? I blame society because it's his responsability to teach to kids respect between one another. All the kids who killed in the way we are discussing, were rejected by others students and were alone in their psychose. Being rejected and not being recognized as a person like everybody are really really .... depressing and hurting. i'll stop there for today !!
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