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TOMMY BEE's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. There really is no set time for A fighter to be ready for there frist match,Everyone is different.If you have what it takes to be A fighter training since may should be enough time to enter your first match as long as you are evenly matched. Your trainer more than likley believes that you have what it takes or they would not allow you to compete yet. I have had some fighters that have had 15 fights before training 1 year. This is not the norm but an example of how each fighter develops at different times.
  2. Today is September 11 TH 2002 1 year from the day in history that America and the World will never forget. Our thoughts and prayers will always be there for the families of all of the over 3,000 American heroes lost on that day in NY, Washington, and Pennsylvania. May god bless the victoms , There familles and America. WORLD KICKBOXING CHAMPION TOMMY "BEE" BOTTONE
  3. I like to fight Sanshou / Sanda rules because it gives you alot of options. I guess I am sort of unique in that I really apreciate all styles of fighting. I am not really into one style or another just good fights. This is why I always trained and taught my students to fight in all styles. Punch,Kick,knee,elbow,throw ,grapple its all good.
  4. Sanshou : punch,kick,low kicks,throw,smetimes knees, no kneck wrestling unecessary clinches except for throws. Knees and elbows sometimes allowed in pros also called Sanda. Thai: Puches,kicks,Low kicks,kness,elbows ,kneck wrestling allowed. modafied rules : mostly the same without elbows,sometimes knees only to body.
  5. The WPKA is supposed to have Kickboxing as an exhibition sport in the 2004 Olympics held in Greece.
  6. I agreee Rick was not supposed to be in the tourney until a week before the event until Duke got hurt and did very well. I think that we will probably see these too guys fight in A superfight one day since Rick Ko'd Mcdonld the first time that they fought and then lost this time. I am looking foward to seeing the next K1 in Vegas on August 17 th.
  7. I was at the event and it was awesome. Mike Mcdonald looked very good. The last fight between Mike and Rick Roufas was close with Rick winning the 1 st 3 rds by A half point and the rules state that you can not win by A 1/2 point so they had to go to A 4 th round and Rick Roufas was unable to fight A 4 th rd due to A knee injury giving the win by tko to Mcdonald. I hope to see these 2 fighters fight A super fight in the future as they both won 1 fight A pirce so far.
  8. There is not really any start age these days . On our kickboxing shows as well as others and in some kickboxing tournaments they have small children doing Full contact Kickboxing as well as Mauy Thai.
  9. Hey bon: I agree with all that you are saying. Kickboxing is also brand new to Tv ,Kickboxing is only about 30 yrs old in America so it is A relativley new sport to the TV public. The sport is getting on Tv more and more and I believe that it is just A matter of time before we obtain A good Tv contract. More Tv people are showing interest in the sport .
  10. Your right. Kickboxing and all full contact sport fighting is getting extremeley popular. The most imortant thing is to get it on Tv more and that is how to reach the masses. It is good that you want to help to promote the sport. It is just a little more complicated than just throwing A show to get it to the masses. There are many top promoters including myself trying to obtain good Tv coverage all over the U.S. and worldwide.It is just A matter of time before we make A major breakthough.
  11. Hey Buddy, Why not join an exsisiting organization that has insurance and saftey of the fighters in mind. There are many things that have to be considered when promoting fights and saftey and insurance are some of the most important ones. There are many other things to consider. The USKBA is one of the largest U.S. organizations and is based in New Jersey . You can get info on promoting and getting fighters licensed with them at : http://www.uskba.com
  12. This is the great thing about this event that there are all ages .Men women and children. The children mostly fight in the light contact kickboxing which is a very good step for them to build up there experience without getting hurt. I highly recomend this kind of fighting for children that want to be future kickboxing champions.
  13. Sorry that I don't remember Ronnie Green. he sounds like A stand up fighter though . I look foward to JWP fighting in the U.S. . I am actually going to Vegas next wed and have spoken to JWP about us trying to get together to train next week. I hope to see him in some good fights with some of the better known thai fighters from the U.S. in his weight class. I hope he hets to fight them.
  14. SORRY !! The web site is http://www.worldprofi.org The E mail is info@worldprofi.org Contact : Chronis Keriachas WPKA secretary
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