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Everything posted by swordsmith

  1. anything bladed perferably double broadswordds
  2. I think someone stated that if you do not do atleast one flip in your form you lose the is not the truth I've been on tour doing xma for a while and just got back from all first places in every one and I haven't done a single flip trick or multiple spin kick. Have just been really intence and good choreagraphy that's all you need to win any competition and it will be just as entertaining as any flash based form they are very entertaining to watch and xma is this It is to get youth and anyone else into martial arts. No one does just xma. that is stupid. Like one purson said how can you do 7 kicks at once without haveing good standings in traditional footwork or martial arts
  3. showmenship is a part of martial arts and the extreme forms or xma as you may be reffering to emphasises on that quite a bit. I perform in extreme creative forms and weapons and ae going for a title. It's for anything but self defense and I realise that but that's why xma isn't the only thing i do.
  4. I own the weapon in question and have never used it profetionally it is a great weapon with a wich history to me it feels alot like a naginata wich is the closest japanese wepon you'll fing to the kwan day but that mite just be mine.
  5. I practise escrima and it is awsome.
  6. Hello I am new here and would like to get to know everyone My styles include escrima Ju jitsu Songahm TKD ( first degree) shorei ryu I look forward to hearing your replys sincerely, Swordsmith
  7. about all martial arts are ancient think of this shotokon was made in the early 1900,ds aikido at about the same time the weapon thing is pretty stuped
  8. but to tell you the truth I really didn't like it it is giveing a false idea to peaple who will be inpressed with a black belt who's training was thirty minutes long?
  9. I don't have a problem with it untill I heard they included a black belt that is just wrong I saw this and it is in my opinion *
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