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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Agedo, Kendo
  • Location
  • Interests
    Karate, Kendo, Reading, Sudoku
  • Occupation
    Systems Administrator

KendokaBee's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thought I'd introduce myself. I'm both karateka and kendoka in East Tennessee, studying Agedo karate and (obviously) kendo. Started studying about 18 months ago, but have been out for most of this year due to surgery, so I'm just getting back in. Guess you'd say I'm in about six months of experience. I belong to an incredibly family friendly dojo - my husband is a blue belt (4th of 9 belts before black) in both karate and kendo, I've got my yellow belt (2nd of 9), and my soon to be three year old son will start lessons with the new year. Really looking forward to some great discussions on the forums. Kendokabee
  2. I've been taking kendo for about six months now. It's really a total body workout if done correctly. There are a few basic cuts and stances that are easy to learn, but hard to perfect. We learn with bokken at first, until yellow belt (2nd) level, when we're allowed to use live steel. I've only played with shinai once, shinai and bogu are for more advanced students where I study. We spar with chanbarra - padded swords. Way fun!
  3. White Yellow Orange Blue Green Purple Brown Red Black With stripes earned at each testing - four stripes needed before next belt test.
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