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Everything posted by Moe

  1. Yea, pulling that move means you have good jumping ability and that you have been doing wu shu for quite a while.
  2. Can you please decribe this move to me, or if there are pics on the net show me which one it is? how long have u been doing Wu Shu?
  3. so did you hit the guy? A big problem is if you get too close to even a normal street guy, if you aren't careful and he brings you down its over.
  4. Tonight while waiting at the train station, I saw some guy on my far right yelling and he seemed drunk or something I also saw him do a sort of stance or something after yelling at one person apparantley. I knew if he came near me he would be trouble, but I didn't decide to walk away as I felt kind of wussing out so I decided to stay. He came closer kicked the nearby trash can and started yelling, he was speaing German and I heard him say something with black, I am black. This got my attention and I turned to him and just started looking him dead in the eye, initially I got intimidated a bit but once I looked him in the eye I just wouldn't let go and I was controlling myself not to jump at him, all that was through my mind was keep staring and attack as soon as he makes a move, I didn't want to be the one to start a fight (I don't think i have much martial arts experience since I do Wushu). He walked past me also looking back and was yelling something like 'What the hell you looking at', I just kept looking and looking until it became painful to keep cranking my neck and he became out of view.
  5. I do Wushu, and as other people have already said the word means Martial Art in Chinese. But what I practice is a performance art made up of forms. There isn't much combat to it and is reliant on speed and flexiblity. Its nice to watch but very demanding on the physical department. For combat I practice San Shou which is the chinese version of kickboxing
  6. Menjo you are right about what Burce Lee said about forms, but I think he meant it in a way that relates to actual combat. Forms help you fix coordination and balance as well as giving you the chance to know how your chi flows. I guess I'd pick Bruce lee, 3 others that are less famous include James Lew, Gary Daniels and Bryan Genesse.
  7. Hey Dylan did you get to know what the guy studied or how old he was?
  8. Man you'd be in a nasty position to face a weapon like that especially if the guy is skilled with it. I'd say you need a stick or a long reach weapon to fight properly.
  9. Yea but I dont know how to spell it, I hear our Sifu (who has a wonderful accent) say it all the time. Sounds like Chi fon tui or something like that but i dont know the exact spelling. It takes alot of effort to perfect this move
  10. I think you mean the jumping kick that involves a 360 in the air while kicking then landing at the side, no? Because I dont remember coming across a crescent kick then landing on the side. If you are referring to what I'm talking about then you need to do the trick in mid-air. It would be alot easier if you can jump high enough to gain momentum then do the spinnig motion, if your jump is high you will have enough time to adjust your body to the landing position. This is a less accurate description of how you should look in your final position in the air just before landing (after having done the kick) but of course at this stage you wont be that high. http://www.bgsu.edu/studentlife/organizations/karate/pics/news2.jpg
  11. Hmmm, yea we have a tough form that has that movement. t's not easy at all but it goes as such that when you do the spinning kick in the air you already set yourself to the position you will have when you land. This will mean your hands to the sides and your feet are aligned as if you are doing one of those bruce lee run jump kicks. But most importantly you delay the fall of your body slightly to adjust yourself in midair. Also make sure that you land your hands a bit quicker before the body so it absorbs some of the shock.
  12. Very true, in fact I am now taking San shou as a combative art. Strangely enough though yesterday after we practiced a wu shu form our Sifu showed us how one of the moves could be used in a fight situation. If he would do more of that and allow us to be able to practice them on each other I think that would lead to some good results.
  13. Cool man, and thanks for opening my mind to the confusing terms and styles in gung fu!
  14. Hi im new here but ive been following many topics since a long time. I practice Wu shu but am increasingly becoming frustarted with the fact that its a performance martial arts, I would like to ask if there are any others here who practice wu shu and have they have gained combative skills. We practice forms only, no sparring. The forms themselves are not easy and several techniques in them are clearly to deal with a particular fight situation and I heard the skill comes over time. I am considering to switch to either Aikido, San shou, Fut Choy Lee Fut kung fu, does anyone here know anything about Choy Lee Fut kung fu?
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