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K Williams

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Everything posted by K Williams

  1. http://www.kataaro.com
  2. http://www.toraki.com
  3. http://www.kataaro.com/karate-belt-size-calculator.htm http://www.kataaro.com/Departments/Belts.aspx http://www.eosinpanther.com/cgi-bin/catalogue.cgi
  4. Excellent website. Nice suggestion on the book! Thanks. I found out about this book from reading a post that was written by Guro Marc Denny( https://www.dogbrothers.com )in another martial arts forum on the same subject a few years ago.
  5. http://www.paladin-press.com/detail.aspx?ID=398 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/158160341X/sr=8-1/qid=1155923444/ref=sr_1_1/102-9878341-7752161?ie=UTF8 http://www.catnapin.com/MartialArts/Training/buildyourown.htm http://www.donrearic.com/trainingequipment.html http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/080483170X/ref=pd_sim_b_2/102-9878341-7752161?ie=UTF8
  6. Try Bakbakan(Kali Illustrisimo, etc.) in Lodi, NJ or PIMA(Doce Pares) in Jersey City, NJ. http://www.bakbakan.com http://www.doceparesusa.com
  7. Try http://www.zappos.com or http://www.eastbay.com
  8. Toraki Gold. Guaranteed for 10 yrs. http://www.toraki.com
  9. 12 Point Stretch(variation of the Yoga sun salutation) 100 jumping jacks(punch your abs on the downward motion) 50 pushups, sometimes some Chinzo(Chinese) pushups too 40 crunches 40 leg raises or 60-80 flutter kicks Wrist stretches(3 different kinds) Leg, neck, arm & torso stretches Stick twirls
  10. http://www.martialartsny.com/brooklyn/
  11. Vee Arnis Jitsu(near Kings Plaza) http://www.veearnisjitsu.com For Wing Chun, there is Sifu Alan Goldberg on Flatbush Ave. http://www.actionnetworks.net/page.asp?content_id=852
  12. Rattan: http://www.bloodsport.com http://bladerigger.com/sticks/ Plastic: http://www.stickman-escrima.com/ http://www.cboggs.com/migstix/ http://www.emersonknives.com/Gear_Training_Sticks.html http://www.mdtactical.com/mdlabs/fightingsticks.htm Hardwood: http://kriscutlery.com/philippine/escrima/escrima.html http://home.i-plus.net/aa3jt/ http://www.woodenflutemaker.com/ (Australian ironwood) http://www.kingfisherwoodworks.com/ http://www.canemasters.com/catalog_category.aspx?cat_id=20 Bags: http://kaligear.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=38&osCsid=233efc3ddd34d0e66d28d0a6c9b691f4 http://www.bladerigger.com/sticks/main.php?key=61 http://www.stab.ca/cases.htm
  13. Which companies make a poly cotton blend that's 12oz. or more in weight? Thanks.
  14. http://cablespeed.com/~aa3jt/ Nice old fashioned Cocobolo nightsticks.
  15. https://www.judogis.com https://www.hatashitasports.com https://www.kodokangear.com
  16. Go with a Toraki or Mizuno judo gi. The BJJ gis fit tighter and the skirt(I think material below the obi/belt is the same thickness as the rest of the gi). http://www.toraki.com http://www.judogis.com/site/790161/page/300604 http://www.hatashitasports.com
  17. Black in Modern Arnis. White in Jujutsu.
  18. They make softer belts now, in adittion to the hard belts. http://www.eosinpanther.com/cgi-bin/beltcon.cgi
  19. Combat Conditioning has some nice bodyweight exercises. http://www.mattfurey.com
  20. I think you might be out of luck. You can send Discipline Footwear an e-mail. Maybe they can make a custom pair for you. I know how you feel though. I wear 14 EEE, so I have to order size 15 to get them to fit. You can also give wrestling shoes a try. Asics or Adidas might have shoes in your size. http://www.disciplinefootwear.com http://www.eastbay.com http://www.zappos.com
  21. http://www.jacketshop.com Does anyone know of any other companies that offer custom embroidered jackets that have leather sleeves and wool bodies? Thanks.
  22. I think Guro Ted Lucaylucay's video on the subject is great. http://www.cfw2.com/product.asp?s=cfw&pf_id=PSO1&dept_id=260
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