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Mary Roses

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Everything posted by Mary Roses

  1. That's so sad. No License. >.< But I'm sure you will get it someday right, oh and yes! I loved that movie! ~Mary Roses ~I want to be the best I can be and that means the best in the world!~
  2. Welcome Damien, I'm glad you made it. ^_^ I recieved your PM, I will PM you back later, I hope you enjoy it here, see ya! ~_^ ~Mary Roses ~I want to be the best I can be, and that means the best in the world!~
  3. You guys really know how to rub it in! >.< But o'well atleast I'm not 28, AMEN! I love being a kid. ~Mary Roses ~I want to be the best I can be, and that means the best in the world!~
  4. You too, have a good one! ^_^ ~Mary Roses ~I want to be the best I can be, and that means the best in the world!~
  5. Just curious. ^^ Well I'm a girl *Points at username* and I'm 15, I will be 16 in a couple of months, and boy am I glad! I'm getting my drivers permit! YAY! Well please reply back. ^_^ ~Mary Roses ~I want to be the best I can be, and that means the best in the world!~
  6. Oh how sad, I'm going to miss him! RIP!!!! ~Mary Roses ~Daniel son(I'm going to miss that too! >.<)
  7. I think it's great! But you should decide that for yourself, give it a try you might end up liking it alot! ^_^ ~Mary Roses ~Do what works for you~
  8. Everything, I just love the holidays. ^_^ Merry Christmas and a Happy new year, Hannukah...and the rest. ^^ ~Mary Roses
  9. Yes I have heard about that, my personal favorite was Rocky 3, I think Clubber lang is so funny he could sure talk some smack. ~Mary Roses
  10. How sad, well you can always get a new one!
  11. Not even Makiwara's? O.O
  12. Yeah this place is awsome, it have everything. Welcome. ^_^ ~Mary Roses
  13. Hello welcome. ^_^ ~Mary Roses
  14. Well stretching can help, and even practicing the splitz can. I think it is very possible, I'm not very flexiable but as I did it more I got used to it and it became natural. But don't push yourself to hard, it takes time. ^_^ ~Mary Roses
  15. Cool, nice to meet you Son Goku the monkeyking. Well, that's all very interesting, my dream is to actually go to a Martial arts academy someday, but I don't know where. And I am a girl, and Mary is really my first name. ^_^ I'm a Sophmore in High school at the moment, and boy they sure can give out alot of homework sometimes. So what about you, how are you? ^_^ ~Mary Roses
  16. I'm sorry I haven't been on for a while. Thanks again to all those who have posted. ^_^ So anything else going on? ~Mary Roses
  17. Oh yes, I love long form one. ^_^ But I'm really trying to learn Short form two, which can be difficult. <_< But I'll get it sooner or later, I'm also trying to learn the Kata 12 tigers theirs 16 all together. So what about you, what are you trying to learn? ^_^ ~Mary Roses
  18. Hi Aefibird! LOL, I would sure love to see you do that. ^_^ I can do a little trick too although it's not as cool as yours, I can crack my knuckles without pushing on them they just crack naturally, my instructer thinks I could actually scare my opponent by doing that! ~Mary Roses
  19. Just kidding! I know running is not the answer and it might make the problem worse. Hmm, well martious, I wonder have you've done anything bad to this particular person? And have you've been arguing back to his comments? If so you should just ignore him he might go away, but of coarse if he lays a hand on you then it's ok to fight back. ^_^ Sorry for the lame advice I've never had to deal with these kinds of things, and yet I go to a public school. ^^; But you know if you are standing up for yourself in a good way then continue what your doing but just leave the fighting out, although what one of the previous posts said fighting is something that can't always be avoided. But you can avoid making the problem worse. ~Mary Roses
  20. To Karate25-I take Americian Kenpo, Ed Parkers style! I've been taking it for almost a year now I'm a purple belt and I'm 15 years old, so what about you? ^_^ To Superfoot-I'm doing fine, and I just love swimming, and running! And wow you can tie your shoes with one hand? O.o Amazing! I bet your good a Martial arts too since you've been doing it a long time, have you've entered tournaments? I'm entering my first tournament in March! ~Mary Roses
  21. Hi if it's alright I would really love to get to know some of you, if that's alright. ^_^ ~Mary Roses
  22. Are you absoulutly sure you can't get out of the fight? I know this may sound kind of whimpy but have you asked him to leave you alone? I still think you should tell a teacher even though you think it might not work, or better yet the principle. Or you could use basic blocks to block the attacks, and you could aim for his weak points! Are you a good runner? You could just out run him too. Sorry if I'm making this into a joke, but I truly believe you can get out of this by just telling someone, you don't have to fight if you don't wan't to. ^_^ ~Mary Roses
  23. Well swimming, and running helps me alot. ^_^ It's also good to just go over on what you already know, just because you already know it doesn't mean you full understand it, going back to the basics is really good for testing the mind. Continue to practice but don't panik keep the focus and you'll beable to accomplish anything. ~Mary Roses Practice does not make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect
  24. Thank you all for such a friendly welcome. ^_^ I can see that you guys do different styles then me, that's cool! Would any of you mind telling me about your style? I would like to learn as many arts as I can as I progress. I bet your all very good at what you do I just hope I'll be good too someday. ~Mary Roses
  25. You should be proud, good job! ^_^ ~Mary Roses
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