Hi,,,, I have just registerd with this site. My name is Sean and I live in England. OK...If you would care to read through this and make up your own mind I trained in trad karate shotokan and other styles judo etc getting a brown belt in Karate in 1986. I stopped training because I couldnt see any future in what I was doing,,, and here it is,,,,,,,it is the instructor,, be carefull about your instruction,,,,,,, example being this guy was a 5th dan he was graded by a known Japanese instructor to 2nd dan.After that it was through services to Karate.On one occassion he sparred with me and he got realy heavy,,,,but i could take what he threw at me and although he seemed more skilled,,, he made silly mistakes of slow front kicks,,,,so I grabbed his foot did osoto gari and down he went,,,,,I then attacked him while he was on his back,,,,,,at his dan rating he should of had techniques to use while on his back,,,he poss did know them but couldnt use them,,, or rather hadnt trained them enough to AUTOMATE them,,,he had no answer ... the street fighter in me came through and he wasnt trained enough to re-act,,,,,,, get my point???? AUTOMATE THE CORRECT TECHNIQUE,,,there are lots of defence MOVES from the ground in trad karate. I felt I was taught incorrectly to punch and kick,,,because he and other instructers i knew hadnt EITHER KNOWN been taught OR AUTOMATED or used what they had,,, in a real fight scenario,,,, MEANWHILE I kept training on my own and with training partners. We used weights running and would throw lots of punches and kicks on pads. I more or less taught my self how to punch very fast and very hard,,,,,, bare knucke... both hands ,,, my punching technique and training must have been incorrect because i had lots of hand injuries,,,,.but the true teachings of Karate is to condition the hands and feet??? If you meet and study with the right person,,,,this is my point again. The teachings are there to be learned but (and i hate doing this as it should have already been there for me to learn and automate and taught by a good teacher ) can the Sensi/ teacher do it themselves????in a real bareknucle fight self defense situation????? none of mine could. I have had lots and lots of real (legal) everthing goes fights(YEP INCLUDING THE DIRTY STUFF) none of which I started,,, call them on par with street fights in my time and got hand injuries and picked up damage to my body. I have been hit on the head with a wooden baseball bat 5 to 6 times before i stopped the guy,,, I have been hit from behind with glass ash trays , bottles and all kinds of wonderfull things that fellow nice humans(my theory on that is we evolved from humanids who must have used branches for weapons so realy just a technical progression spose in them days the humanids didnt get in trouble,,they didnt have laws as of today for carrying weapons so i train my fists) do to others . I have been beat on some occasions because i didnt knock the guy out,,,,,,then through constant research and trial and error i came up with the correct method of training bare knucke punching,,,,,,,in other words hitting with the correct part of the fist,,and perfecting the leverage,,which is automated by constant progressive high rep punching. Some Japanese sensie i have seen on vidios have this ability,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,some are hitting with the wrong part of their,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fist,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,yep and say good bye to the two outer knuckles when you hit something realy hard boss man karate man,,,now after all this time I have the correct technique where my hands are fine after in one session 2 hundred realy hard fast constant bare knucle punches against objects that do damage to other peoples hands untill they have taken the progressive route.,, I am now back again working out the methods of trad karate,,,,i have trained (or rather they have trained with me) successfull boxers cage fighters people who work on the doors,,,,,and i am still training me It appears to me that the true effective (if they practiced them for more reps Sensei AUTOMATE SENSIE AUTOMATE boss man) are in the higher dan katas/ bunkai,,,,,but i see them practiced analised and here we have it again ,,, not AUTOMATED,,,,OR EVEN ATTEMPTED TO BE USED IN SPARRING????aint that why people sparr????,so i am now learning the higher grade katas /bunkai,,,, and will see if they can be used in a real situation and if they can they will have to be automated.Does any body have details on some kata /bunkai???...be great if i could see them... I also analise ufc fighters,,,,some are using higher dan techniques trad karete??? as as well as basics,,,for real,,,the early ufc fights were 95% for real,,,,, about as close as a persen can get,,,, Right trad karate can be a foundation for correct self defence if it is trained correctly,,,spose others have differant opinions,,,,but all humans have limbs and it is what you do with them that counts IF ANY BODY WOULD LIKE TO E MAIL ME IM ON TRAINER1@ROCK.COM SEAN