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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Isshin Ryu
  • Location
  • Interests
    Martial Arts, If you were unaware.
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xXSaiWarriorXx's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Sorry, I hate to be a bother, but I noticed that your Chart on your site left a small branch out. Tatsuo Shimabuku also learned Goju Ryu from Chojun Miyagi and Kobayashi-Ryu from Chotoku Kiyan. I don't mean to sound like a Know it all, because I'm not, But I thought that you might like to know.
  2. I don't carry any sort of Weapon, when I was Younger I used to carry brass Knuckles. Never had an opportunity to use them though. But if you are asking about what I would use if I needed a weapon, it would have to be a pool cue. I spend alot of time in Billiards and Bars shooting pool. They Always seemed to do the trick.
  3. Most People I've Talked to seem to agree with this theory. I can't Speak for all Isshin Ryu Dojos, but the ones I've visited agree with this Ideology.
  4. I'm From North East Ohio (United States) and My lineage as far as I can Remember comes From Masters Bill Hayes and Ceciel Moran, to My Sensei's To me.
  5. I know that the IWKA is Headed by Kichiro Shimabuku, and I forget who mentioned it but Angi Ueza Started the OIKKA. As far back as I can recall right Now, My 2 Sensei's studied under Master Bill Hayes And Master Ceciel Moran.
  6. Isshin Ryu, from what I've come to understand, is an Open End Book so to Speak. It's been left open for experimentation, so that we may intigrate new techniques to make our art more effective. But then again, this is just how I've come to understand Isshin Ryu. Anything We can learn from one style and Adapt to Ours, was worth Learning.
  7. I really don't think it would be a good Idea, Fighting is Serious. Having a Knowledge of the Martial Arts kind of gives you a responsibility above those who don't. You know how to seriously injure and probably even kill people. This is something you have to Control, and some people just can't do it though they posses the knowledge. It's Not a good Idea.
  8. It doesn't matter how much Martial Arts Training you have, you just can't beat a Smith and Wesson at a distance. And as for the Other guy, I'll call him an Ambulance when I have a free moment.
  9. I'm with Yamesu, A swift kick to the nuts really turns the tides of battle. But there are other solutions. Catch them in the Solar Plex with a nice strike and Knock the wind out of them. There is no muscle protecting the Solar Plex. No matter how many Sit Ups or Crunches you do, there is no changing that. Just My opinion.
  10. Well, Trying to diffuse the situation verbally is always Ideal, but more often than not, it doesn't work. (at least it doesn't work often for me, people can be so thick headed.) Personally, I always found kicks to the knees and groin to be very effective. Also Elbows to the face and temples, and Knees to the Groin, and Lower Abdomen if you're in close. Depending on the amount of danger, I might also choose to use an eye strike/gouge or a strike (Possibly a Nukite or Shuto) to the Neck/Throat.. I would under no circumstances headbutt a wall. I figure if I'm going to headbutt something I might as well headbutt my attacker, I might get lucky and they'll have a glass jaw. Then again, this is my personal choice of what would be most effective.
  11. Greetings and Salutations, I'm new here, and thought I should introduce myself. I look forward to talking with everyone. I hope That we learn something from eachother.
  12. My Sensei Calls alot of attention to the bunkai of our katas and the practical use of them in real world situations. Though he points out many of the techniques that work, he also points out the ones that are "Good in Theory" but not the best idea for defense. Lets Face it, Katas are great but not all the moves seem applicable.
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