Alright, I'll try and break it down what I think of each weapon I have came across. I also enjoy katas alot for the most part, sparring not so much because how often are you going to find a pair of kamas just lieing around when a fight springs up? Bo Staff: 2nd most common weapon used in competitions from what I have read, easy to do flash with it and such. I personally would try Bo staff just to build up my forearms and shoulders, and from what I have been told its a good starting weapon to learn to get the basics. However it is pretty common and that is something I want to stay away from, that and having to do to much flash. Kama: Most popular weapon on the circuits supposely, was told it is fairly easy to learn and it has simple ways of doing flash, but simplicity and taking the easy way out is what i'm avoiding. Katana: After watching multiple videos of Kalman Csoka (especially his latest video at the Quebec Open 06) I have had a strong interest in it, but it seems to be a advanced weapon that requires large amounts of instruction. A weapon that I would want to learn, but for now, I will try to set it aside for the future unless I could find a instructor in Ohio in the Mansfield area. Sai: The sai seemed to have had a popular showing in the early 90s in competition and has been rarely been used in todays competition from what i've been told. I forgot the competitor that used it but he dominated weapons forms with it not because of flash, but because of his strong forms with the weapon. I'm not sure if sai would be a weapon that could be taught to beginners but I have a strong feeling with this weapon. Tonfa: I admit its a fun weapon to use, when I took martial arts when I was 12 in the three weapons classes I attended before my father ruined it all for me we used this weapon and the bo alot (sai once). Simple weapon, safe, can be fun to use, but it doesn't really strike me so much, maybe because of the simplicity of it. Nunchakus: Reminds me to much of Bruce Lee. I don't enjoy the feeling of it being out of control when learning them. I think katas would be difficult to perform with this weapon at first, thats just me though. Sad that the nearest school that teaches any type of weapons is an hour and thirty minutes away from me. Unless you count my schools instructer having one of his students master 1 bo staff kata then teaching it to us -_- (some real shotokan right there..)