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Everything posted by Persian_King73

  1. Martial Art is an art and science as well. But some of the trainings in a particular form of Martila Art such as "Kung Fu" involves "mind over matter", which is illogical, with reference to what is rational. There is also a form of Martial Art, which is really science at work, it has something to do with speed, monemtum, balance, proper body weight shifting, footwork and timing. This is "Aikido". Most martial arts students, teachers or enthusiast were all fascinated and had a passion about it and that makes it an Art. While pursuing and seeking to know or be able to learn a particular form of Martial Art. You have to study it, do research and seek help from qualified individual and all these are "Science", in it's basic form and nature.
  2. I also watch Steven Seagal's movie and most of his movies are basically Aikido techniques. I am certatin that Steven Seagal holds the rank of 7th Dan Black Belt in that discipline. However, he had also learned "Kenjustsu" and "Jujitsu". But I am not certained what ranked he had on that two discipline. As I have noticed, he still prefers to use Aikido as his core techniques in almost all of his movies. The quickest throws and locks are evident on his moves, without going into the ground.
  3. Most low kicks are effective and difficult to defend. Especailly when it is delivered when you least expected it. I had once asked my Sensei about why he's low kicks had a great impact compared to mine. Considering that I am not overweight and deliverd it as almost as his. And then he replide that he used the priciple of "Putting your body weight at your foot". I thought that was just a joke because literally it is illogical to think. How could I possibly shift my body weight and to my foot which I will be suing for the low kick. But when he explained it to me, I did understand the theory behind and it is indeed "science at work". It took me one week to absorb that principle both mentally and physically.
  4. My first glimpse of Martial Arts was "Bujitsu", that was during my High School days. When I went to college I took up "Kick Boxing", for two years. I was a "3 rounder" only in "Middleweight". But when I was introduced to "Aikido" by a friend of mine. I feel in love with it. I am a "Purple Belter", but as of now I am inactive in my study of that particular art, due to my hectic schedule in my job.
  5. I happened to watch Steven Seagals's movie, and some of which are jujitsu, and a little bit of kung fu and tai chi , in the movie "Belly of the Beast". But majority of his moves in movies we're Aikido. He likes to use "tenkan" and "sankyo".
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