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Personal Information

  • Location
    Calgary, AB, Canada
  • Interests
    Computer Engineering (My Major)
  • Occupation

Bishop's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Well thank you ALL for your assistance. I will belive from what you all tell me that Ju-Jitsu may perhaps be the best option for me. I am defiatly going to research as much as I can on the places I could be taught it in my area, and try to decide on the best place. What Things should I look for in finding the right Dojo? (Is Dojo right for Ju-Jitsu, or is there somthing else?) By the way... Did anyone follow that link to warrior hall? If so, what do you think of the place? McDojo? Do instructors usually just teach classes and thats about as personal as they get? Or do they also assit you in perhaps setting up some sort of 'out of class' fitness schedual? Oh... sorry about all these questions... but I heard the phrase: "Cry in the Dojo, Laugh on the Battlefield" What exactly does this mean? My guess is to practice hardest in the Dojo so when you have to use your techniques, ou will have no problem executing them?!?!?!? Thanks again ALL of you for your time and input, Bishop
  2. There are actually ALOT of Muay Thai and Kickboxing places around.. hmmmm... definatly something to consider. Thankyou.. but I want to learn a style that uses open hands and joint locks, or whatever you call them. Anything there? Thanks again Bishop
  3. My short term goal is to join a Martial Arts Program again. I used to participate in TKD (blue belt) until I moved to Africa from living in Canada all my life. But since then I have had no desire for self-defense styles. If you could recommend any combat styles to me, please read my thread in the Geneal Martial Arts fourm entitled "Finding a Style that Fits" My long term goals are to get back into shape and improve my quality of life. I don't care how rich successful I MIGHT become, as long as I'm happy everday is reward enogh for living. I used to have enough physical ability to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro (which I did at the age of 16, that's right.. to the summit baby) After that I moved back to Canada and have found myself gasping for air after running 4 city blocks. - Bishop [ This Message was edited by: Bishop on 2002-04-14 20:09 ]
  4. I live in a fairly large city in western Canada, and I am sure that there are many places to learn Karate and TKD, also there is a place called warrior hall, http://www.warriorhall.com, who teach techniques within Ninjutsu, Jujutsu and Bujutsu. Feel free to check out their website and tell me what you think. There is are also other Ju-Jitsu academies within the city. Also, Aikido Capoeira Kung Fu/ Wu Shu Jeet Kune Do Shorinji Kempo Tae Kwon Do Tang Soo Do Wing Tsun Kendo Ninjutsu ... and these styles of Karate Itosu-Kai Shotokan Wado Kai I admit I don't even know what half of these are. I am just looking for a more combatative style with less emphesis on the whole mind, body, soul mumbo jumbo. I don't think it is possible for me to be incredibly agile and super quick.... I need a style that tailors to strength and aggression. So what do you think? Thanks again for your time, Bishop
  5. Hello all, I have been interested in learning some new form of matial arts for a long time. When I was 12 I had a blue belt in TKD.. but was forced to move to Africa and stopped training. I am now 18 and back in Canada, I have found time to train again, but I feel TKD isn't for me. After researching the many different styles, I decided that I would be most interested in learning Krav Maga, as it seems a little more 'to the point' than other styles. Also, I am 6'1" and 210 pounds, I feel as though I have the build. Problem is: THERE IS KRAV MAGA LOCATION NEAR ME. So, I ask all you experienced, what other styles woud fit this type of person? - 18 - Just quit smoking - 6'1" - 210 pounds - More Fighing style than sport - Some techniques that would be able to be applied in the real world if needs be. - More emphisis on combat than self defence Thank you for your input in advance. I would really like ANY suggestions. There are no bad ideas! Cheers, Bishop
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