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Ego Assassin

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    BJJ Judo Wrestling Muay Thai & Boxing
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Ego Assassin's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Tapping is for class in the street you just break whatever you get.
  2. I don't know if this has been said because i didn't read the whole thread but i believe alot of people trained or not would just take that as a challenge rather than a warning. I would.
  3. On the subject of your techniques, it sounds typical of sport karate and this simpley will not do in NHB. I suggest no dashing whatsoever and lots of lateral movement away from the power hand. Also lots of head and hand movement and get with a wrestler and learn to sprawl. You need a gameplan and you need to know something about your opponent as Warlock mentioned earlier. Where do you live? State and city?
  4. Yes against a 300lb. attacker. I am only saying this because I have experience. And not to say that a smaller person could not knockout a larger but WOW the consequences if you don.t.
  5. Theories and opinions and yet I have to agree with subgrappler. How many arguing have the real experience to know what works and what you'll run into. MMA fighters would breeze through 99.9% of the population. People want to argue about this style thi and this sport that but are you a critic or are you out there learning about yourself and what you can do with and for your art. Stop living through other peoples experiences and find out for yourself.
  6. Without conditioning fights in the street won't last very long.
  7. Ive been competeing for four years now and I still get nervous. I never play any other sports either so I was not prepared for atmosphere, but I love it.
  8. I was simpley answering the question about weight classes. And size does matter if you are the same skill level and I am speaking about Professionals not hobbiests or people that think they can fight because they do martial arts.
  9. Agreed but you are far more likely to run into this type of confrontation than life threatening. About 85% more likely. But you are right life threatening should be the main concern but one of these more common confrontations could pose a more serious threat.
  10. I disagree with the fighting because they like to fight most fights are over nothing with two people one of which absolutely does not want to fight. The other knows this and takes advantage of the situation to prove something to themselves.
  11. Its never run well but the brazilian teams bring good competition.
  12. Yeah but you live in Canada. And the name of this topic is not criminal stats and MA.
  13. Weight and strength matter when you are of the same skill level. And if you want to see what bodybuilding does to people go to the Arnold Classic and see for yourself. Also its a great event with Martial Arts tournaments and demonstrations.
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