I just finished watching a documentary on the history channel called "spontaneous human combustion" blah blah people combust. Then they get to this idea of this eastern concept of chi and while filming a documentary in Vevi(sp? ) they met a master accupuncturist who could shock the heck out of you with a touch. Ok, neat. They then go to this guy, hes wearing short sleeves and this probably happen mid 80's, he seperates a newspaper, wads up a single sheet and then kneels over it. He puts his hand to it, does kind of power power breath and then his hand starts shaking and 2 seconds later the newspaper catches on fire. I Dvr'ed this so it is likely that it will be on again. Its at minute 55-57 of the one hour show on the history channel called spontaneous human combustion. This is the closest thing to magic that i have ever seen.