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Everything posted by Dixon

  1. Good job Sohan. That is a longer version of what I saw. I'm a little suprised more people aren't talking about this guy/clip/ability.
  2. I watched the video a few times. No mention of his name. Just "A notible accupuncturist". I understand the skepticism. But look for the history channel show mentioned above. You'll believe.
  3. I just finished watching a documentary on the history channel called "spontaneous human combustion" blah blah people combust. Then they get to this idea of this eastern concept of chi and while filming a documentary in Vevi(sp? ) they met a master accupuncturist who could shock the heck out of you with a touch. Ok, neat. They then go to this guy, hes wearing short sleeves and this probably happen mid 80's, he seperates a newspaper, wads up a single sheet and then kneels over it. He puts his hand to it, does kind of power power breath and then his hand starts shaking and 2 seconds later the newspaper catches on fire. I Dvr'ed this so it is likely that it will be on again. Its at minute 55-57 of the one hour show on the history channel called spontaneous human combustion. This is the closest thing to magic that i have ever seen.
  4. Where in ohio are you from? Sorry can't PM yet.
  5. Its a fun idea on paper but in reality it wouldn't work. I personally love the concept, like Street Fighter, Tekken or the Quest. The rules would dictate who won and even in this you have to have rules or its "who can get to the others eyes first" I would love to see all these grapplers get destroied by small joint manipulations. Every other fight would probably end in a broken arm, its way too easy to pop and elbow if someone is punching or trying to grab you. Alot of martial arts wouldn't want this because it really shows the general public who is good/bad right/wrong. It would be interesting to see all the "mastah wannabe's" switch from school to school depending on what style wins the tournament. It would take about 4 years to figure out who represented each style. I could think/dream about this all day:)
  6. I have an interesting question. How would you guys feel if.....there was a new student at your dojo, he had never trained before, but he trained 8 hours a day everyday(at the dojo or at home). He had the skill, dicipline, mentality, and maturity that a BB should have and got a black belt in only 1 year. How would you feel? What would you think?
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