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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Motobu Ha Shito Ryu Karate, Jujutsu
  • Location
  • Occupation
    University student

vales's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. check this : Louch Evlar, Sir Matrix of Zantac
  2. Shotokan is a karate style which focuses on direct blows againist the opponent. Here is a story- a real one i swear. Me and my cousin (who studied then shotokan, and now ninjutsu) were leaving a night club in Thessalonika, 5 years ago. Two guys walking in Thessalonica at 4 o'clock in the night, are kinda crazy ( or karate black belts ) We met a band of fellas, who clearly wanted to rob us. I was kinda frightened, but not shocked. They were five and we were only two. But that didnt matter. the leader of this gang (i think he was the leader) tried to hit my cousin with a baseball bat. he dodged and performed vertical tetsui uchi to the guy's back of the head. he fell down and lost consiousness. a second guy (all the others were apparently shocked by this onehit/kill) tried to hit him with a piece of wood, but he got worse. All my cousin did, was a guaku tsuki directly to his sternum and knocked him out. Then the others started running away. The funny thing is that police didn't believe he just hit them once, until they gained consiousness and told the same story. The whole point is that karate (and all MA) teach you to be calm at first hand, and then teach to defend yourself. All the others are titles, pointless in many occasions. You mustn't believe that knockdown or whatever savage else is more effective than Shotokan or other no contact Karate. Mas Oyama was a gifted person, but Funakoshi, Mabuni, Motobu, Kuniba, Ohtsuka and many many others were demigod compared to him. So what now, they were old japanese and okinawan fools to study a peaceful martial art (sound a little funny) For the sake of History, the leader recovered consiousness after 1 hr and had a severe concussion (hospitalised for 2 days) and the other had breathing problems and stayed in the hospital for a week (at least thats what weve been told) And no, my cousin is not a 7 feet giant. He is more than 6 feet (1,69 meters sorry for the lousy conversion in feet...) and he reminds me of harry potter...
  3. in seishinkai you just pick a shuri te, and a naha te apart from : pinans, bassai dai, seienchin, matsukaze, ananku, chinto, jion , sanchin and naifanchi (required for black belt, you choose a pinan, perform bassai sai, seienchin, sanchin and choose another 2) good luck
  4. i study under motobu ha. we have all those kata. what do you want to know about them? (if i can help you out!) the differences under these styles are mere details, and exist only for financial reasons and because of some peoples' ambitions...
  5. the first step! its like starting a trip. if you are too anxious, it will be a disaster. if ur too cool it will be failure. so think you are in another class
  6. aikido could be the best for you. i have black belt as well, and even i practise jujutsu, my instructor believes aikido is of the most advanced martail arts, although tough for whinners
  7. you should start jujutsu. it is an integrated martial art, with grips, kicks, punches, locks, throws, and has many ex grappler and pro wrestlers (at least in the balkan states and the rest of continental europe).
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