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Astral Ghost

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Tea Kwno Do and Bo Staff (self taught)
  • Location
    Boerne, Texas
  • Interests
    Martial arts, Astral Projection, and Energy Focus.

Astral Ghost's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Which one did you buy?
  2. By the way Why cant I upload an Avatar? Every time I have tried it always said it was too big no matter how small the picture was.
  3. Though I can usualy keep a good grip on it your right. I have noticed that they can counter or block it easily. I have had practice with the staff all my life and I am to the point where I can spin without effort and its kind of instinctive for me now. But as you have said, it is usualy not a good Idea to spin except for on occasion. I can do this, I have perfect controle over the staff except for when it is hit then i have to strugle to keep it in controle. Maybe I could be in a martial arts coriographed movie or something, I have been told that I have a definate talent with the staff and I love doing it.
  4. Hi everyone. Sorry, I didn't find this part for my first post but I think that you all can forgive me . Well, I have been taking Tae Kwon Do for 7 years now but I havent been able to regularly untill last year so I am now about to earn my black belt. The only kick that still slightly gives me trouble is the jumping back round-house but I'm working on that. I plan to take another martial art after I have Been a black belt for a year but I can't Decide which one. I have had my eye on Kung Fu, Ninjitsu, and Ju jitsu for a while now but I dont know what I want to try next. I dont plan on ending my Martial arts career so it is posibol I will try them all. Well, sorry if this post is kind of long so I will end it here. If you want me to go on I will gladly.
  5. I Have spared with a bo before many times, once I was against two people with bokins and I did well I think. I want to be better at the bo staff because I have noticed at times when I was sparing I let down my defence and I was easily hit. I need to perfect my technique but I dont know if I should just keep on doing what I'm doing and teach myself or should I get perfesional instruction.
  6. Hello, I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if there was any people that taught themselves any weapon and how effective it was for them. I have recieved minimal instructions with my weapon of choice, the Bo staff, but I can use it so well. I can spin it as fast as I want (which is verry fast!) and I never hit myself except for on occasion. LOL, I was first inspired by my child hood hero's, The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Martial arts people say that my style is too flashy and Staff preformer people that spin with fire say that I have too much of a martial arts style. I dont know what way I should go with but I love to show off and I love to do martial arts too. The base of almost all my moves can come off of a figure 8 and I think that is why they have so much flash. Well, I guess that is my Introduction to this sight. I hope to come here often and get tips and give advice.
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