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Everything posted by moneygqj

  1. Should you first learn the basic punches and kicks and some ground work or a single aspect at a time? thoughts please
  2. i'm a wrestler, and was good in HS, and now i'm taking MMA classes. Yesterday was my second lesson and I was surprised when the instructor had my spar already, especially when I'm new to punching, kicking and guard defense. Anyways, what I really struggled with during this exercise was defending both kicks and punches. The instructor said don't look at my eyes, but what do I then look at? I'm having a hard enough time just straight up boxing let alone defending kicks as well. Any advice? For my boxing question. What do you do when you have to box someone who is over 5 inches taller than you? Also, what is the best defense to someone coming at you? thanks
  3. i'm new to martial arts, boxing and the MMA world. i wrestled my whole life and i'm now taking some MMA classes. in my first class the teacher to me to the side to teach me the basic punches, kicks and combinations. we also went over some general submissions. today was the second class, and we began off by doing punch and kick combinations and then did 20 minutes of sparring. i found myself going up against a guy that was 6 inches and 125lbs heavier than me and that is also a black belt. i felt uncomfortable but didn't want to say anything to the teacher. do you think i'm being thrown in too fast? i mean i can barely throw a jab and straight correctly at this point with keeping a proper guard let a lone having someone stand infront of me and not only throwing punches at me but also kicks.
  4. I recently went to two different Karate schools in my area to try them out. One place was 65 a month and the other was 55. I found a guy that teaches MMA and not only do I like his class 100x more, but he only charges 40 bucks a month. He has 6 classes a week and you can attend as many as you want.
  5. Martial arts are great, they teach you respect, honor, discipline and are a great way to get in shape. Some martial arts may also teach you principles in which to defend yourself, but the bottom line is, learning one martial art will not make you a great fighter. Take anyone that has only trained in one MA (judo, karate, BJJ, etc) and they would get pummled by anyone who traines in MMA. The key word here is mixed. You cross train in many arts to become well-rounded.
  6. In MMA it doesn't take 100 punches to knock someone out, just one. The reason a grappler almost always beats a puncher is that the puncher is always scared to throw the big bunch because he knows if he misses he'll be on his back and the fight will be over.
  7. kneebar-always open, no one can take the pain knees -to the head or to the liver
  8. Have you ever heard of the fighter Cro Cop? He has the best high kick in the game today and has knocked out everyone with it. I wouldn't say it's high risk at all if you know what you're doing. Throwing a right cross or a round house kick is more dangerous imo because you leave more of an opening.
  9. Let me preface this by saying i'm just starting to get into MMA and i have 12 years experience as a wrestler. I have read a lot of posts on what is the best MA to get into or whatever for actual street fighting. Let me say this, I have watched all of the UFC events, and watched about 48 Pride events (out of 55). A grappler will beat a puncher 99 times out of 100. BTW-Pride has more highly skilled fighters top to bottom, although the UFC has a great talent pool in the middleweight division. Anyone can learn some boxing skills, ie blocking punches and throwing, but almost anyone can be taken down to the ground, no matter how well trained they are. So if you're looking how to street fight, I would say learn how to take people to the ground. I have zero boxing experience and one class worth of karate lessons and i've been in 3 fights. I've never been punched nor kicked. In every instance I use a single or double leg take down and either put the person in a choke or mount them and punch them until they stop fighting back. BTW i'm only 5-9 16lbs so i'm not a big guy by anymeans. I think having brute strength is also another key. I workout 5 times a week with weights and while i only bench around 275lbs I find that the most important strength comes from your innerself.
  10. I want to get into MMA, and i've wrestled for 12 years (2x state 2nd place in NY in 160lb division) I love grappling and want to learn guard techniques and such. I live in Auburn, NY, which is 35 minutes West of Syracuse. I can't seem to find any place that offers JJ. Anyone know of anything?
  11. I attended my first Karate class on Saturday and I learned the basics. I know some of the other newbie's that have been there a couple weeks are doing something called the 22 or 27 moons. Actually i'm not sure what it was called but it's pretty much a bunch of blocks and punches and they count when they do it. Does anyone know what the actually name of it is because I would like to look it up on google to practice it on my own before my next class. I might be way off in the name i'm sorry. thanks
  12. Let me preface this by saying I'm 22 years old and just graduated college 4 months ago with in engineering and have a solid job. I wrestled for 12 years and finished 2nd in NY state in wresting two years in a row in the 160lb division. I want to get into MMA, whether that be just for fun or as an amature. I have no martical arts or boxing experience. I went to a kickboxing class last Thursday, but it turned out to be cardio boxing. I love how they advertise it as kickboxing and bag technique. Anyways, yesterday, Saturday, I went to a Karate class (not sure what style) and tried it out. While I had a good time I don't see where it would help me in my desire to get into MMA. I searched the yellow pages and the internet for muay thai, kickboxing, judo, or anything else in my area and there is nothing but Karate. So should I stay with the Karate? Maybe it is practical for further learning to help me get into MMA. Any thoughts? Thanks
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