Thank you for your warm welcomes! Ninjanurse, For my 4-5 yr old class I'll be doing the Little Ninjas karate program that was developed by NAPMA a few years ago. Each week there is a theme: control, teamwork, balance, memory, fitness, coordination, discipline and focus. 8 themes for an 8 week course! The kids in this age group mostly learn studio ettiquette (sp?) and earn a skill stripe for each theme on their belt. I think this class helps them get ready for group instruction. Its my 6-10 yr old class that I am having trouble with. Do I do the watered down kenpo curriculum my sensei was doing when I went I left? Do I go back and do the traditional kenpo program and overwhelm them with 22 techniques per belt level? Or do I do my own program.. a mixture of kenpo, shotokan and some fitness training? I'm leaning toward doing my own program since I will only have these kids for 8 weeks, once a week. Instead of a traditional karate program, my goal may be to get them excited about martial arts so that they can join a traditional program in the future. Of course, if I have students re-enroll I may need start a traditional belt rank program. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. What do you think? Mary W.