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Everything posted by Atrix256

  1. Heya, This is most deffinately not a scam, I ordered my copy and it's filled with tons of good information. I ordered a similar book once in the past from wle.com entitled "72 consumate arts of the shaolin temple" which showed ways to train for things such as iron palm, being able to improve your night vision, being able to jump 2 story buildings, running on walls etc and yes....it does sound very extraordinary but the monks are just that - extraordinary. After reading through both books, the 72 consumate arts book is just a digestion of techniques described in the book you are asking about. For being able to jump over 2 story buildings (i know your saying that is impossible), it says start out by digging a hole in the ground and attaching weights to your legs. Jump in and out of the hole 3 times a day until you are unable to do so any more (until failure from fatique). Do this every day and every x number of days you are supposed to dig a small amount deeper and add a small amount of weight. After some 2 years, the hole is supposed to be 6 feet deep (if i remember correctly) and the weights of course are alot heavier by then. If you remove the weights, you should be able to jump over 20 feet verticly it says. It has much more detailed instructions than i gave but that's the gist of it. While i haven't tried this, even if it sounds bizzarre you have to admit, if you followed that training regimine, it isnt so hard to believe that you would be able to do this. Unlike the other book i mentioned, this shaolinsecrets.com book contains herbal formulas for treating injuries, history of the shaolin temple and many more very awesome things. I have read things in this book that my instructor told me about connection, body mechanics, footwork etc so I can attest to the validity of this book. Deffinately not a scam. In response to the person who said: I would like to remind you that the monks are buddhist, and that they research and teach the martial arts to be able to share the good it brings with the world. They are not a cult surrounded in secrecy, they are buddhist monks trying to make the world a better place by helping people be able to defend themselves from predators and also by helping people be healthier. Sorry folks, the monks aren't racist and try to keep the art "pure" by only teaching chinese people, or hording the secrets to themselves. Although in the book it does mention that at various times in shaolin history, they did try to hide alot of what they knew because bad people were using the knowledge for the wrong reasons. Give it a read, you will learn a TON
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