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mourning_'s Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Anyone know of any good muay thai schools in or around the kansas city area? I have been looking almost all week and cant seem to find any If anyone has any info please let me know Thanks
  2. Not sure if I have posted this before but im really looking for someone to roll with maybe once a week. Just to try and few things and get a good feel for beingon the ground. Anyone here interested and living around the Kansas City area?
  3. and sorry for all the typos, my keyboard is a piece of junk...
  4. My rank....white belt...but i got my first yellow stripe tonight (in Judo) I always thought martial arts were kind of funny, so i just started liek 4 months ago...(something just said to give them a try) I really look forawrd to moving up, but i always look back to the previous month and say to myself, man i've learned alot in the past 3-4 weeks...so really learning is what ilike best, but the rank just pushes me harder. I hope to test for my next yellow stripe in about 2 maybe three weeks..(is that too soon?)
  5. I agree with that, and from now on, i will live by it.
  6. im pretty much looking for the first two, a year down the road (or two) once i get back from boot and all my training (which none of you probbaly even knew about this, but i'll be back next january) but once i get back and settle down about a year after im going to start some form of karate...hey im young! but i am also checking out all these other forms of MA that you guys are giving me, but kansas has little to offer ps: i leave for boot june 11
  7. well i could only attend twice a week therefore 8 times a month and its only an hour long. I found another school for $70 a month...and im going to ask if possibly we could work a deal since i could only attend 2 of the four lessons per week. This would help me out since i also have to pay for school now...So hopefully it will all work out. If anyone has any other styles or ideas feel free to post. thanks for all your help
  8. how much should a school cost? I called one school and thewy were asking $90 a month...is that too much?
  9. what should i look for in a GOOD TKD dojo? any ideas?
  10. well I am currently doing Judo and am having some success so far and i plan on sticking with that for awhile. The dojo i go to also has Bushodokan Karate. (spelling), so i plan on taking that later on down the road. (in about a year or so), but was wondering if it would be a good idea to try another martial art mainly just for "kicks"....kicks as in kicking, not "just for the heck of it" (notice the 2 dif meanings in kicks...lol)
  11. Sorry i posted this in the wrong forum last time, but what is the best martial art to learn a good variety of kicks? I want to learn as many as possible...well not too many. But what ma has alot/ a variety?
  12. I was wondering what's the best form of martial art for kicks? Im interested in learning kicks but i must first become flexible =/ ! But what MA should i look into?
  13. i actually know what i was doing wrong, i wasn't turning my foot on my roudhouse. And i wasn't doing this because the guy i was sparring with was going EXCESSIVELY hard. I know, this isn't good either, but he left with the bloody nose and mouth, not me.... And because i wasn't turning i sort of sprained my foot/ankle. We train with shoes because it is Krav Maga and it is supoise to be realistic stuff. (not saying other forms aren't) But next time i won't be scared and i won't forget technique etc, I was just wondering if taping my ankles would be acceptable.
  14. Would it be ok to wrap my ankles before kickboxing? I find in the middle of sparring i sometimes get a bad kick in and it seems to really mess my ankle/foot up. Have you guys heard of people taping there ankles? (ps: im not sure what you guys practice, but we actually where shoes so not sure whether or not that will make a difference in your answers) Thanks
  15. roger that, its all self defense. Premeditated? Prove it...other than this site...plus i think hes back in jail anyways.
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