I'm really not sure which Martial Art not already in use, would enhance the ability of a UFC/MMA competition fighter. Although, the different suggestions have made for some interesting studies. I don't think I'm qualified to give an opinion on UFC/MMA fighting so I won't try. However, I did enjoy the tangent taken, and subsequent debate on reality versus competition orientation. Several quality points were made on both fronts. That being said, I think I see eye to eye with White Warlocks' opinions. This is not to say that I think Warlock is right, just that we seem to share the same view in this instance. I wanted to add one point that I thought was somewhat omitted. A very large part of reality training, as I see it, requires mental reprogramming. For example, adrenaline. Do competition fighters fell adrenaline? Yes they do. Is it same same level as someone who is suprise attacked. No it is not. Emotional, chemical, and psychological responses to stimuli are rarely covered in conventional or sport oriented Martial Arts. Where in reality they play a vast role in the outcome of violent encounters with intent to harm. Victim thinking has to be overcome, and some of the mind's natural reactions have to be changed. These things can only be overcome by training precisely to overcome them, and it does take time. Anyways, I'm going on much to much here, I apoligioze for swaying, yet again, from the threads initial question. I was so impressed by the debate, I just thought I would chime in , thanks.