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Everything posted by Jeffp412

  1. My masters name is Jung Keun Chang, he's Korean
  2. I don't wanna disagree with you and start a flame, but everything I have read about Muay Thai, says that in almost all cases, if you miss you should spin 360, whether or not you use a backfist, elbow, etc. I think it should be each to his own, however you as an individual feel more comfortable, do it that way. Experiment with all the options first, you may be surprised by what your comfortable with.
  3. According to my instructor you can, I'm not sure, he seems to really know what he is talking about, plus he Muay Thai Champion of The Orient as a Lightweight and Welterweight. So I would think he knows what he's talking about. Do some research on it, I will too, and post here if you find anything.
  4. When I miss a kick I spin 360, This is a better way in my opinion because having your back turned draws your opponent in, but your back is only turned long enough for him to close, not strike. Therefore as you spin come around with a backfist or back elbow depending on the range, you can do a spinning back kick, but most opponents will be in to close for this because the closed when your back was turned, the back elbow and backfist are devestating techniques that can knockout your opponent, use them.
  5. oh my apologies, u want to use tape, ummm.... i don't know how 2 do that, but if u wrap ur hands with a handwrap, many ppl still use tape in between the fingers and other areas, also another great idea for a hard puncher that hurts his hands is 2 by a regulat dish sponge then cut it to size and tape it on his hand, then but on a wrap over it
  6. I use the faitex method of wrapping hands it is on this following page http://www.fairtexgear.com/images/instructions/instructions_2101.pdf it doesn't tell u how many times to wrap the knuckles, wrist, thumb so heres wat i do with a 180 inch everlast handwrap 5-6 times around the knuckles 3 times around the wrist 2 times around the tumb these numbers r just examples of wat 2 do, depending on ur preference u may wish wish one less or one more wrap in a specific area, i have large hands so for many of u it will require more wraps to use all of the length up
  7. I don't know where any of u r, but i live in New Jersey and on ESPN 2 on Fridays after Boxing there is tons of K-1 Kickboxing it goes on all night, I'm not sure about the exact time but it normally starts around 10:00 11:00 pm. But for those of u like me in training staying up that late isn't good, I think we need to boycott all sports channels until the show alot more Muay Thai, Kickboxing, and other Martial Arts events at more sensible times.
  8. 1)Fairtex 2)Twins 3)ummm either everlast or Windy It all depends on wat ur Martial Art is, Fairtex Twins, Windy make good kickboixng and Muay Thai Gear. If ur a boxer go with Everlast Ringside Title or Grant. Fairtex makes okay boxing gear but their heart and sole is Muay Thai Gear
  9. I highly recommend that u do not get a canvas heavy bag, not only will they tear up ur hands if u don't have proper protection but they will also tear up your shins and feet, and while some ppl may think this will toughen those areas i disagree with them, it just means time away from training while waiting for ur skin to grow back.
  10. I got 2 ideas for u, the first one is obviously a pair of Bag Gloves, i like Fairtex, sure they're expensive, but they're ur hands protect them how you will these are my favorites http://www.fairtexgear.com/html_documents/gear/gear_item.asp?p_id=49 Or you could use Everlast Evergel Gloves which work great as well, don't use training gloves, they're made for sparring and will not stand up to the rigorous work that a good bag glove will Heres the link for everlast evergel gloves http://store.everlastboxing.com/everlast-evergel-glove-wraps.html Good luck
  11. Try this, it may not be exactly wat u need, but mayb it will work, http://www.blackbeltshop.com/junior_throwing_buddy.htm I could've sworn they made an adult sized version, i'll post here again if i can find it, I hope this works for u (If its 2 short, try hanging it from the ceiling or wall at eye level 4 u, maybe that'll work
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