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Everything posted by ziontkd

  1. The point I am tring to make is that a 1st degree black belt is not in any way consider a expert. Yes one should know much more then a white belt, but can not in any way be compared to even a 3rd degree. I want even get into the mental and spritaul parts of it ( which I feel are left out in western MA ).
  2. First I am a 2nd degree black belt getting ready to test for 3rd in a couple of months. Before I comment I would like to ask a quick question. Is 1st degree black belt not consider being a novice? Which to me is a beginner. Meaning you have learned how a kick looks and how a punch looks etc. If you where a 1st degree in football terms you would probably be setting the bench unless you were really special.
  3. God Bless you for your post. When some of my fellow students found out what I was going to name my school they quickly told me I would be making a big mistake. The club is Zion Taekwondo. it is great to see there are people of god in the martial arts that are not afraid to speak about it.
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