my sensei recounted a conversation to me between himself and Zenpo. Zenpo stated that when he first started to compete in the USA (1963), other sensei would approach him asking what his style was, as they had never seen his type of kicking before (leaping thrust back kicks, side thrust kicks etc...) Id like to know if thats correct, can any of you older saltydogs tell me how common these types of kicks were back then in at least in competition My sensei also said that all these kicks were taught to Zenryo by Kyan except for the front thrust (the way we currently practice it), which he (my sensei) said he adopted from shotokan, as I'm sure many others have also. If none of the old unchanged kata have clearly defined thrust kicks, but now all karate styles have thrust kicks, when did the hundredth monkey phenomenon take place and who was that monkey? thanks