I don't know anything about Mr. Dillman, but if he believes his no-touch KO works as it has be represented in this forum, he should go try to claim his $1,000,000 from the James Randi Educational Foundation: http://www.randi.org/research/index.html. I'm glad this topic was created. This kind of pseudo-spiritual flakiness makes the whole martial arts community look ridiculous. I don't think comparing it to such things as faith healing, astrology, or theraputic touch is a stretch at all. There is enough misunderstanding about martial arts outside our community that if we don't call these folks out ourselves, then we get lumped in with them. I, for one, have gotten a great deal of personal benefit from the martial arts and I'd hate to see someone turn away from it because of the self-delusional claims, or worse, outright lies, of a fringe element.