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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Villari's Shaolin Kempo
  • Location
    Norton, MA
  • Interests
    Anime, video games, martial arts
  • Occupation
    Karate Instructor
  • Website

Ryuujinblade's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Haha thanks for the offer, but I dont plan on going to NY anytime soon.... but I agree totally, my sensei tried to not go down that path, but the call of the almighty dollar beckened him....and he gave in...*sigh*
  2. Ok here I go.....bear with me please its been a long day. Alright, on the terms of pricing. Yes, there are 3 levels of programs at villari's, basic, black belt training, and leadership. This is true for everyone ages 4 to however old you want to start, well say 40's. Basic program, wich is a 30 minute (out of an hour) group class, 2 days a week, is 125$. You could upgrade to Black Belt Training which is a 45 minute( out of an hour) and get a POINT sparring (yeah, it sucks) session for 145$ (i believe). and for 175$ a month you get the full hour group class, 3 days a week, and in that last 15 minutes, you go over more advanced techniques, and weapons. Private lessions are i believe an additional 125$ on top of what you pay, and even then private lessons have become so popular, they almost rival a group class (at my studio, group classes = 24-30 people, privates anywhere from 5-10.....its rediculous) Our school has been sadly commercialised. I have been at the same school for 12 years, it has been open for 14. In the beginning, it was all about the art, then slowly it decended into the financial portion of it once my sensei got married. Now the Vilarri's logo is on everything, the Gi's, the equipment, and even the flawless Bishudo shoes that you pay almost 70$ for (yeah, he HAS to make a profit *cough*), instead of having the company name on them, it says Villari's...... Ive been looking around the state for a new school to visit. If anyone knows of a school in southern massachusetts that is reputable for its teaching, or any one that teaches something unique (not Tae Kwon Do, Kempo, or Personal Best) please by any means get a hold of me. My AIM name is in my profile, as my email should be as well. But back on track to the topic. There are are many fine Villari's schools in the country, as can be seen at the school only competitions that are held. and as stated in the beginning, the school is only as good as the teachers, and the teachers only as good as the sensei. Some excel at some points of kempo, others at other points. In the end, at least give the school near you a shot if your looking for a school.......i may have said a lot of bad things about it, but the teachers are almost friendly, and the teachings are very helpful......its a defence art that Villari's teaches, not an agressive art. But as asked before....if anyone could at least aid me in my help for finding a new school, i wish to broaden my horizons. Please contact me on AIM at ShikyoRyuujin, I love to chat. Thank you very much. Ryuujinblade - Peace.
  3. Wow, all that kinda seems unneeded......I mean a Ninjitsu school that secretly is teaching kids how to steal and become their favorite pink poweranger? thats cruel, and downright mean.
  4. Hello, I am looking for a good school in eastern massachusetts. I know of the JKD/Muay Thai/BJJ school in Belmont, and their other location, but I was looking for something a little further south of boston. Could anybody point me to a good school? I have 13 years of martial arts experiance already and am currently looking to broaden my horizons with a new styles philosophy.
  5. Hey guys (first post here, hope to stick around ^^) Anywho, I just wanted to state my opinion on the subject. I have been taking kempo at the Villari's center in Walpole Massachusetts for close to 13 years now, and although I am only a 1st degree brown belt, my rank should be a 4th degree black (i took several years off due to other activities being Archery, school, and girlfriends) and for 3 years of that time, I have been an Instructor. While my sensei (one Steve Hannah) seems to have an excellent teaching basis, the dojo itself is commercialising. Contracts and structurs detract from the overall impact of the school. And at one point we actually got a complaint for having a child do pushups. The testing system is the 3 month rule, and even though you may suck at what you were tought to do (anything from 1 pinion to 5 kata) as long as you paid your fees, you can advance. What im trying to say is that although the school may be a McDojo, at least give the instructors a chance and request private lessons.......its all in what you get out of it.
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