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Everything posted by kboxer47

  1. thank you guys so much for ur imput, i thought id go down and give it a try but i thought id get some imput from more experenced fighters, thanks again
  2. hey, ive been attending a kempo karate school for some time and i train as hard as i can every class, but in under a year ive found that ive surpassed even the high ranked students and i feel that im not getting a lot out of it. well the other day i was training with a guy that practises Brazilian jujitsu and he was a fantastic fighter and offered me to come train at his dojo( and excuse me if dojo isn't the correct term). ive been interested in the style for a very long time and feel that i can seriously learn a lot more and become ten times the fighter i could learning kempo. but my question is, is dojo loyalty more important then wanting to become a better fighter? thanks for your help.
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