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IAmGod's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Need more information.
  2. The chinese style knows what I am talking about, at least the authentic ones. I mean really sitting on the ma, not walking the "bo ma". I practice 3 times a week, usually 20 minutes each time.
  3. How does fighting in clubs with "pimps and thugs" protect those that can't defend themselves?? And how do you determine if they are "pimps and thugs"?? Sorry, Batman is just a comic book. Reality called, and your friend can't answer. Thanks to you, "thug".
  4. I took ShaoLin and Wing Chun. They are different, I like Wing Chun better because of how close they fight, which is very effective on the streets. People usually keep their distance in a fight, thats why people usually back up when they fight. While Wing Chun is always moving in and moving in. Keeps you in an offensive position all the time. Nothing is perfect, Wing Chun has its weakness too. But if you are to compare the two, I like Wing Chun more.
  5. Thats what Wing Chun is all about, touching and strikes. Always touching, this is why they call it Sticky hands.
  6. I don't know much about this school, but sure as hell this is not wing chun shown in this picture. (Taken from the site listing this as one of these wing chu classes). If they are saying this is WT, they are trying to rip off your money. http://www.kungfuacademy.ca/sites/site-920/images/304b7ffd-7f00-0001-0049-4c5df9a8103d_FineGround_v3fm4f33otbbpae1vezlqo5tw_FGN_V01.JPG
  7. IAmGod

    how often?

  8. Introduction video. http://www.leungtingwingtsun.net/multimedia/iwta.wmv Wing Chun for street fights. http://www.sifugrados.com/mcvideos.shtml This is one of my favorate video by Mater Gary Lam. You need to watch this. http://www.garylamwingchun.com/GaryLam.wmv In case you don't know who Gary Lam is, he is a Wing Chun master, as well as a MT kick boxing instructor. I believe he was the head trainer for the Hong Kong police once. http://www.garylamwingchun.com/photos_hk.html
  9. I have used my skills many time when i was younger, before 19. Mostly school fights, and random street attacks. Racial problems has been a concern in our neighbhood, so when I say "random attacks", I do mean random.
  10. Thats what a lot of MA are, the more they train the less they fight. I guess we got all the fighting out of our system during training and competitions, we can see things a bit clearly.
  11. What Would Jesus Do? If he locks your left hand, let him lock the right one too. Hahahaa. Actually, he just want to test his skills on someone smaller than him. What a coward.
  12. In a real life situtation that is. Street fights, school fights, robbery, rape, car jack, crime fighting, war (iraq). Anything besides sparring.
  13. Nice video, why are they all white??
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