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theapprentice124's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. What is the best tip you can give for competetion on kata's?
  2. there's no membership contracts at my dojo we just pay per month and the black belts get free classes and a key to the dojo if they agree to teach.
  3. damn that sucks i would have given him a little surprise back lol that was weak on his part
  4. some lady told me to look at the face to scare them lol but i dont believe that because its not the face that will hurt its the arms and legs that will so i always look down is that any good?
  5. lol that happened to my gi as well i was practicing some grappling moves and then my sensei would purposely open my gi wide open, gosh!, well that messed up my gi and i did it to him as well lol its kind of annoying cuz ur doing your kata's or w/e and ur gi is like hanging wide open reaching to ur belt.
  6. just move block, counter, and keep going lol
  7. i disagree with u because sparring is effective...just cuz u feel safe after a hit in class or tournaments is one thing but when your on the street its diff. u can punch and kick in the groin...my point is that anything goes on the streets and you have been trained by sparring and etc...so your going to be more prepared.
  8. hey guys i recently have sparred (free) with two other black belts and i noticed that i can't really reach them with my punches cuz my arms are quite short in length lol but im an excellent blocker as for they really dont get that many hits on me. Any tatics u guys can tell me like tips ?
  9. i learned Heian Nedian today and im also learning and practicing free sparring i sparred with two black belts and they told me i was awesome at blocking but i need to work on my attack.
  10. no i haven't done this before but my dad use to be in all kinds of MA so he taught me some basics but other than that i just really pay attention at the dojo and practice a lot and yea lol i was wondering y i got my belt so early as well but i dont know i guess he just saw i was ready and its just a yellow belt so its not that many kata's or anything.
  11. yea why not like a great girl and at the same time add that she knows how to defend herself thats a great combo
  12. i agree not too long did i talk to a student in TKD and he told me the same thing plus i did some kumite fighting with him (sparring) and i kicked his * and he's been in tkd for some time now.
  13. i go with pineapple i also focus on blocking mainly then go with the counter attack and when i learn takedowns i will use them like crazy lol i just got my yellow belt two days ago but yea i wait for my opponent to strike first then i block and counter that usually works
  14. thanks guys and my sensei didn't say anything about skipping but he knows im doing well plus some guy that was a white belt tested and just cuz he knew heian nedan he got an orange belt and i am much better than him so im going to ask him to confirm if i can do so...well other than that thanks guys and thanks for the support
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