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Qui Gon Tzu

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Everything posted by Qui Gon Tzu

  1. I believe that I would like to retract my earlier inclusion of The Perfect Weapon as a cheesy movie. I just took the time to view it again and decided that it was better than I had originally remembered. Mr. Speakman’s abilities are rather impressive. His acting ability in this movie is right up there with Steven Seagal…. To my knowledge or lack there of, it is not available on DVD. Perhaps one day it will be.
  2. The Perfect Weapon - Jeff Speakman. This movie has some excellent fight scenes especially the one in the Korean Dojo. This movie should perhaps, fall under the same category.
  3. That would be characters like Palpatine, Darth Maul and Darth Vader. Star Wars my friend At 43 I still refuse to grow up. Life is far too short. I listed it (the post) for entertainment.
  4. The Mook Jong in not limited to Wing Chun forms only. It can be used for many different blocking and striking techniques from many different Martial Art forms. Please keep in mind that the Jong is used for practicing centerline techniques. I would not recommend it for Judo throws. Some excellent training videos: The Mook Jong Slam Set Volumes 1 & 2 by Joseph Simonet “Dynamic Wooden Dummy Training for ALL Martial Artists” an excellent source for a modern take on Wooden Man forms and Wing Chun Gung-Fu Wooden Dummy Training by Randy Williams Part 1: Advanced Wooden Dummy Drills, Part 2: Lop Sau, Chee Sau and Dummy Theory.
  5. A thousand thank you's Enviroman. Just the type of information that I have been looking for.
  6. Yes, this I know. The question is, is it effective? Can it be used effectively for Judo throws as well as grappling? One cannot use the descriptions by the company alone as they are trying to sell a product. I am looking for actual testimony by a martial artist and not a salesperson. Incidentally I am not implying that you are a salesperson.
  7. This site has an interesting biography http://www.torynfarr.com/raypark/ "Wu Shu just means 'martial arts' in Chinese," Park explained Ray Park is a student of Wu Shu
  8. Has anyone noticed that Ray Park (Darth Maul) is currently working on Iron Fist of which is due to be released in 2006.? Hopefully there will not be any wirework or at least very little.
  9. Perhaps the company has a trial period?
  10. Yes, absolutely, I believe that racisms do exist in Martial Arts as I am Sith and my instructor is a Christian, class is actually in a church gymnasium of which my instructor is a member………..
  11. I neglected to mention Darth Maul (Ray Park)
  12. If asked I would recommend “The Tao of Jeet Kune Do” by Bruce Lee
  13. In the beginning it was the television series “Kung Fu” in which martial arts were shown as a mental attitude as much or more so than the physical abilities. As a young lad I rarely was able to see the program as back then we had to use antenna for television reception of which did not work well. I do not take David Carradine’s abilities lightly. I found the characters of Master Po and Master Kan to be very interesting as well, if not more so. I now have the series on DVD and have come to understand that it was indeed the series that sparked my original interest. Now that I study Martial Arts, Enter the Dragon: Bruce Lee, of course. G.M. Remy Presas, Terry Dunn, Randy Williams, William Chung, Joseph Simonet, Steven Cunningham, Greg Kollar, Steven Seagal, Cassius Clay, Jeff Speakman, my current instructor: Master Rick Whitman and anyone else I can learn from “Before I studied the art, a punch to me was just a punch, a kick was just a kick. After I’d studied the art, a punch was no longer a punch, a kick no longer a kick. Now that I understand the art, a punch is just a punch, a kick is just a kick.” Bruce Lee
  14. Most of my library was purchased from Amazon.com
  15. I neglected to mention my Doc Savage collection.
  16. Arnold:The Education of a Bodybuilder-Arnold Schwarzenegger Art of Shaolin Kung Fu-Wong Kiew Kit Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: Advanced Techniques-Bruce Lee Bruce Lee's Fighting Method:Basic Training Volume 2-Bruce Lee Dynamic Strength-Harry Wong Fighters Fact Book-Loren W. Christiansen Harmonizing Yin & Yang Jeet Kune Do:B.L Commentaries-Bruce Lee Martial Arts After 40-Sang Kim Modern Arnis:Filipino Art of Stick Fighting -Remy Presas Solo Training-Loren W. Christiansen Speed Training- Loren W. Christiansen Strength Training Anatomy Taekwondo Taegeuk Poomse-Sang H. Kim Tai Chi Chuan: 24 & 48 Postures-Denise Breiter Tai Chi For Dummies Tai Chi Sword Tao Te Ching:A New English Version-Stephen Mitchell The Art of Expressing the Human Body-Bruce Lee The Body Sculpting Bible for Women-James Villepigue The Bodybuilders Nutrition Book -Franco Columbu The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding-Arnold Schwarzenegger The Secret Power Within-Chuck Norris The Tao of Gung Fu-Bruce Lee The Tao of Pooh-Benjamin Hoff Think On These Things-Krishtamerti Touch for Health Ultimate Sparring-Jonathan Maberry Vitamins for Dummies Bruce Lee's Fighting Method: Self-Defense Techniques Volume 1-Bruce Lee The Canon of Judo Martial Arts for Dummies-Jenifer Lawler The Ancient Art of Life and Death: The Book of Dim-Mak Cane Masters Self Defense Manual Volume 1 Humane Pressure Point Self Defense-George Dillman The Book of Five Rings-Miyamoto Musashi Code of the Samurai: A Modern Translation of the Bushido Shoshinsu-Raira Shigesuke Judo; True Story and Legend Japanese Step by Step
  17. Has anyone had the opportunity to use a “Bubba Dummy”? If so, was it an effective tool for Judo Throws as well as Grappling?
  18. I concur, however, always keep in mind that one is only as good as the exact moment in time that you are in. That is, one my have superior abilities to their opponent, however, you just do not feel right at the time, things are not going well and the opponent gets through the defenses….
  19. Inquiry about Training Videos, for instance due to my lack of a training partner I have found training videos to be useful. Has anyone used this to increase his or her knowledge or abilities? For example I have been using Randy Williams Wing Chun Basics Series as well as Wing Chun Gung Fu Advanced Wooden Dummy Training 1 & 2 , “Core Throwing Techniques of the Kodokan Judo Syllabus” Steven R. Cunningham, “Mook Jong Slam Set” Joseph Simonet & Addy Hernandez (A recent addition and I believe the wooden man training I may settle on) , “Modern Arnis 1, 2 & 3” G.M. Remy Presas (Where the MA I study in class is from. I do not intend to discontinue), “Mastering Arnis” A.J. Advincula and DVD’s by Sang H. Kim just to name a few. Any suggestions or observations in these choices? Has anyone seen or used “Ultimate Siniwali” by Joseph Simonet & Addy Hernandez? Review?
  20. It has been said that some Samurai became so adept at using their bokken that they preferred them to a sword. These Samurai were able to defeat many a foe with this wooden weapon. Incidentally, the wooden bokken also cost a lot less money than a metal weapon.
  21. Soon all our weapons as well as are arts may be questioned by the goverment of what was once known as the United States. It would seem that they are reducing some freedoms now.......
  22. I suspended my Everlast Bag with a double hook spring inserted inbetween the 1/2" Eyebolt and the chain array provided by Everlast for suspension. The spring, as I recall is a 200 pound test. It absorbs the shock from kicking and punching as well as reduces the amount of swing during use.
  23. A Dojo that I built next to my home (24x40x10’) 2- Jongs (Wooden Dummy) 1- Siniwali Structure that I made Heavy Bag (Suspended with a spring) B.O.B (Filled with sand instead of water) Wave Master (Filled with sand instead of water) Target Mitts Spin Kick Swain 6” Judo Mat 6’x 8’ x 1” Matt (For Falls and Rolls) CrossBow Exercise Machine Gazelle Free Weights Century Versaflex Inversion table Sticks, Swords, Bokkens, Canes, Bo and Jo Staffs Training DVD’s and Videos Working on a wall mounted holder for re-breakable boards I just need a breathing training partner Has anyone used Bubba Dummy?
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