look i'm tired of all these people not believing in qi. go do some research and you will find the truth. there is no way to prove that chi exists, but no way to prove it doesn't exist. there have been many documentaries about the subject, it was on the discovery channel once where researchers from china and USA did tests whether it worked, the US researchers were astounded when people healed from chi were cured from cancer. furthermore, china hosted the first internation chi gun competition in 1999, where lots of people attended. you really need to see it to believe it. get the video documentry on it at blockbuster or somewhere, it's called 'extreme kungfu'. and don't be so quick to saying a man taking hits from 15 people carrying a huge wooden log hitting him as if they were trying to break open those big doors. and i'm sure you think throwing a small metal pin through a 0.5' sheet of glass from 4 feet away is just physics too right? how about taking your palm and hammering nails through a 3' thick board? keep in mind this was done in a full audience with judges and people from all over the world. now you say having chi gung doesn't make someone a good fighter. that i agree with. if A had 100 points and B had 100 points it would be a fair match. if A could incorporate 100 points of chi into his fighting, and B doesn't know how to, than it wouldn't be a fight. it'd be over in one move.