Do Hap Sool is VERY different then TKD. im a first Dan in TKD, and i jsut started DHS. i have about 200+ hours into DHS right now. DHS is more a Shaolin Kung Fu then a Karate. the movements are fluid, non stopping, and based alot on momentum. this art is a lot more difficult then TKD but also a lot more practical. TKD focuses a lot on kicks...high, strong, fast. DHS will simply take you out. DHS also derives a lot from animal type forms...much like Shaolin Kung Fu. forms such as praying mantis will focus on hooks, where as forms like bear well focus on upper arm. so apply this to many animals....eagle-aerial, mole-ground, etc. DHS also incorporates a lot of weapons usage. to get your first belt you are required to know rope, staff, and si. so theres a brief view into DHS