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    Fredericksburg, Virginia

Fredericksburgm's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Do Hap Sool is one of the lost Arts from Korea, when the Korean Government tried to get all of the Arts under their control, Do Hap Sool was shut down by the Founder and moved onto an Air Force base in Korea. Only the Military took Do Hap Sool for many years. I studied under the Founder for about 3 years in the early 70's while I was stationed in Korea in the Air Force. It is now just getting started in the United States by the Founder. https://www.dohapsool.com is the new WEB site.
  2. Aodhan, I think you have the wrong Art, it is (Do Hap Sool) not (Hap Do Sool), very very different!
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