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Everything posted by Pu_Ji_Meng

  1. I've been studying Xing Yi dfor about two years now. Why study a subsystem when the real deal is so much better. There are different branches of xing yi as well. I study Ma, or Muslim Xing Yi. The only Xing Yi practitioner I've faced is my Sifu. His power is a little scary sometimes, but I'm beginning to feel it as well. I have sparred against Karate and Taekwondo people. As long as they keep their distance they do alright, but if allowed to close they're pretty much toast. Xing Yi is an inclose, brutal, no holds barred style and is a little overwhelming if you've never faced it. I've also faced a black belt (karate) that pretty much handed me my *, but in all fairness he's been parcticing MUCH longer than I, and he's got about 30 fights in the ring under his belt. My sifu can beat him, but again, he;s fought competatively, carries black belts in taekwondo and karate, is a teacher of Xing Yi and has studies Bagua, Tai Chi, kickboxing and BJJ. So he's pretty much a badass. As far as trainig goes, I do about an hour everyday. Both standing and line training (xing yi forms are done in straight lines) I spar once a week at least, and work the heavy bag two to three times a week. My sifu lives, eats and breaths martial arts. He's a full time teacher and thats all he does. Trains and teaches. So, you can do one extreme or the other, or something in between.
  2. Nope, you are at the perfect age to have "faith" in the drivel you will see on the Internal Art forum regerding "internal forces". The stuff you see on DBZ and Shaolin Showdown are cartoon and not possible in the non-animated world. The sooner you have "faith" in that and truly work on your own "inner strenghth" the better off you'll be. Chi does exist, but you can't shoot a ball of energy across a room, or have mind control, know someone out from twenty feet away, leap tall buildings in a single bound, or any other number od magical powers. Your Chi is your Chi, and why would you want it to leave your body in the first place?
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